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Everything posted by Coley

  1. For this reason, I finally gave up using foam for lures. Take one out and lay it in the sun, if you want to see bubbles. The whole paint job will raise up around the entire bait like a dead animal swells after a couple days in the heat. You might try heating the mold before pouring and heating it while curing. Gasses escaping from the foam is what is causing your bubbles. Coley
  2. I believe the dia x 3.1416 = cir 12 x 3.1416=37.70 ft. 3.1416 is a constant called pi Coley
  3. Look at the pictures close. The wire is not glued to the lip. At the rear end of the lip I cut a notch, the wire folds up over this notch. Then the lip is epoxied into the bait. This is the only place any glue is applied to the wire. DONOT GLUE THE WIRE TO THE LIP ANYWHERE, IT WON'T HOLD. And it will only make a mess of your lip. Coley
  4. Heck yes, Nate I would be willing to sell some of mine. I don't have alot and probably won't get anymore made between now and then. Coley
  5. Yes the waterbased craft paint you get at Walmart will work very well. I use them all the time. You will have to thin them with water. Coley
  6. Cut the lip slot while the bait is flat. Using a band or scroll saw will do a good job. When I say while the bait is flat, do it after you cut the bait out, before you shape it. Coley
  7. What will help you more than anything is to do a search and read all the posts. All the questions you ask have been answered several times. Coley
  8. There is more than one way to do this. I fit my lip before I paint my bait. After painting, I hold my bait with the lip slot pointing up. I then put epoxy in the lip slot and epoxy on the lip, I push the lip into the bait and the excess epoxy runs down the side of the bait from the lip slot. I finish clearcoating the bait at this time. I have no epoxy on the lip when it comes off the dryer. I donot hold my baits by the lip while it is on the dryer. I use a hemostat on one of the hook holders. Two things are important when doing it this way, 1) use 2 ton (30 min) devcon epoxy. 2) lip must fit snug in lip slot, so it won't move while lure is on dryer. Coley
  9. Fantastic work! If you are using through wire, you should be able to attach your weight to the wire and keep it centered. Or, you could run a straight wire through the lure and put the weight on it. Its easy to fill the small holes left by the wire and it pulls out easy. Coley
  10. I will be glad to trace and send you a pattern of mine. Which one would you like? Coley
  11. Coley

    foil details

    They look really good, will look even better after you get them facing the right direction. May have to try that myself. Coley
  12. I have a Lowrance 102 C and think its a great unit. Can easily be seen in the brightest of sunlight. I haven't had it long, but its very easy to use. Have not had a single regret for buying it yet. Coley
  13. Order from Dixie Art http://www.dixieart.com/
  14. Coley


    Very nice LP. Looks like it is outdoors. If so, you sure have a big shop. Coley
  15. adjective ( made to individual specifications ) The above is what the dictionary says about custom made. To me, this means good, great, bad or otherwise. Need I say more. Coley
  16. Get together is open, hope you can make it. Coley will be there.
  17. Here is a place you can buy the bodies in two halves and put them together yourself. http://www.luremaking.com/catalogue/catalogue-index/catalogue-items/plastic_crankbait_bodies.htm Coley
  18. There is a way to make both of your mold halves, by hand, and then glue them together. And yes there is clear resin you can pour in your mold. The process is called "squish-molding". Go here an check out this site. http://www.alumilite.com/howto.cfm?ID=6 Also search the net for squish molding. Coley
  19. They are lookling good. If you think you need to add more primer, just slow down and do a little more sanding first. Keep up the good work. You are going in the right direction. Coley
  20. I think you got it down pat. Coley
  21. First let me ask if the 15# urethane is an expanding foam?? I have not poured any expanding foam in a silicone mold. The foam will expand so much, I am afraid it will distort the silicone mold. As far as the Mold Max 40, follow directions and use an aquarium pump to vibrate the mold box. Use a very small paint brush to brush the silicone in and around your model. As the air bubbles come to the top bust them with air from a hairdryer or airbrush. Have you read the tutorials in here. Art Brush has a very good one and he is using silicone rubber to make his mold. Coley
  22. Merry Christmas guys. You never see anyone say happy xween, happy xday or happy xyear. Christ needs to be in Christmas, after all it is a celebration of His birthday. This is really not the place to discuss this. Coley
  23. Coley

    Plastic coat

    The trick is to use Virgin lacquer thinner. Auto Zone sells it. Its called Klean Strip Virgin Lacquer Thinner. Coley
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