There is more than one way to do this. I fit my lip
before I paint my bait. After painting, I hold my
bait with the lip slot pointing up. I then put epoxy
in the lip slot and epoxy on the lip, I push the lip
into the bait and the excess epoxy runs down the
side of the bait from the lip slot. I finish clearcoating
the bait at this time. I have no epoxy on the lip when
it comes off the dryer. I donot hold my baits by the
lip while it is on the dryer. I use a hemostat on one
of the hook holders.
Two things are important when doing it this way,
1) use 2 ton (30 min) devcon epoxy.
2) lip must fit snug in lip slot, so it won't
move while lure is on dryer.