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Everything posted by Coley

  1. Good info Ken, and the price is right. Coley
  2. I don't know you Tim, but I feel like I do, after all the help you gave me when I started. The quality of your work is more than deserving!! Coley
  3. Balsa USA is my place for balsa blocks. You can buy a 3" x 3" x 12" block for 75 cents, these blocks are really to soft for a bait. Call them and order a hard balsa block 10+ lbs/cu.ft. for 94 cents each. Coley
  4. You can buy copper colored paint at Walmart, look in craft dept. Then go to the sewing dept and buy the Tule or netting. I think it 57" wide and sold by the yard for around $2.57 and comes in a couple mesh sizes. Coley
  5. Check the hardbait tutorials, MyLures has a nice one there. You could also make it smaller. Coley
  6. Are you just wanting to learn how to paint?? Or are you wanting to learn how to make baits?? This site offers a video on making baits and I am sure painting is in there. Custom painting comes from picking up the airbrush and practicing. Experience is the best teacher. There are some good painters on this site. It would be cheaper to have someone custom paint your baits. Or make you a video. Look at the top of the page, Tim Hughes is one of the best in the business. I see some mighty fine paint jobs in the hardbait gallery. Cullins8 work is superb. And there are several more. Coley
  7. If that number is .154 then it equals 3.911 mm and if the number .105 then it equals 2.667 mm Here is a website you can use for the conversion: http://www.mhc-online.com/main2/metric_conversion_chart.htm Coley
  8. Thanks, is in order to Jerry for the TU T-shirts, but more importantly for Tackleunderground that brought us all together. The cookout out was enjoyed by all and we are looking forward to Clinton. Coley
  9. Fantastic!! I sent you a PM Coley
  10. Coley

    hello all,

    Welcome aboard Neil, hope you enjoy yourself and I know you will meet some fine, fine people. Coley
  11. I enjoyed reading your story very much. Coley
  12. Coley

    Eye location

    I agree with you on that Skeet!!!! Coley
  13. Coley

    Eye location

    We try to make baits that resemble small species of fish, whether it be shad, bluegill or another baitfish that appeals to bass. Why are some baits made with the eyes on top of the head, when I have never seen a fresh water fish with eyes in this location?? Coley
  14. I pour it onto a rag and let it evaporate. Coley
  15. You can reuse your epoxy brush over and over and over if you do the following. Get a small plastic bottle that is impervious to Acetone. Drill a small hole in the cap, smaller than the middle diameter of the brush. Pull the brush handle up through the cap until it is very tight. Fill the bottle with Acetone until it is above the bristles of brush. You can now screw the cap on and the brush will stay straight, clean and soft. Clean out the bottom of the bottle about every 10 baits. And refill with fresh Acetone. The pictures tell it all. Coley
  16. Coley


    Look around maps 32A, 33 http://www.lrn.usace.army.mil/opn/TNRiver/ I don't know if this is what you are looking for, but it may get you started. Coley
  17. Sent you one, how many do you want. Coley
  18. Besure you have the Devcon 2 Ton, 30 min. epoxy. Testor's makes a small brush 1/4" wide ( its in the model car paint area at Walmart for 97 cents) Mix the Devcon thoroughly using something other than a piece of wood, Use a nail or plastic stirrer. Apply evenly and firmly over the entire bait. You will have to rotate the bait for 15-20 minutes either by hand or some other method. Let it sit for several hours (8-12) and it should be good to put the hardware on. You may clean your brush with Acetone. Coley
  19. As far as the light goes you are safe as long as it is turned on before you start. The switch is where you will get your spark. You could use a squirrel cage fan set up outside. Get a fan that has the motor outside the fan housing. Attach a piece of 4" flexable sewage hose to the inlet and seal around the motor shaft leaving about 1/4" clearance. This will allow fumes to be pulled into the fan through the inlet hose and fresh air pulled in around the shaft, No fumes can build up in the area of the motor. Coley
  20. Ok, your right about the lures not being ready to paint. They have a raised seam where they are joined together. For them to look right this needs to be sanded smooth. The whole lure has a sheen that needs to be sanded off. Wipe the lure down with alcohol to remove any remaining mold release. I suggest you prime with Krylon Fusion, it is a paint made for plastic. From there follow what BassNator 1 says. You can mask the lip until your aready to clearcoat then clearcoat the lip along with the rest of the bait. Coley
  21. First of all besure to get the 2 Ton. The 5 min. will yellow and you will be lucky to get it on before it gets hard. I brush it, and I think most people here do. You will have to rotate the bait until the Devcon sets up or it will run and sag. You may rotate it by hand. Coley
  22. Hang tough guys, hope everyone is getting out that needs to. The scary thing is this, it's not even the peak of the season yet. Our prayers and thoughts go out to you. If there is anything I can do to help any of you, give me a holler. Coley
  23. Coley


    What does he mean by untreated?? If you are buying Western Red Cedar from Lowe's it is ok. They sell it in 4 x 4, 2 x 4, 2 x 6 and so on. I have had no problems with it. Seems to me to be very dry. Don't buy the fence boards, they are wet. Coley
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