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Everything posted by Coley

  1. Coley

    The new guy

    Welcomw aboard "Mojo". Thats how I got started, pouring worms. A long time ago, sold enough to pay for my equipment, now I only pour for myself. Coley
  2. Welcome aboard "catfish"!! I will assume you also like to catch Mr. Whiskers?? Where do you do most of your fishing?? Coley
  3. Welcome aboard "pahawg" Nice looking smallie you have there!! I have caught several in Pickwick lake on the TN river. I enjoy night fishing for them with a 1/8 oz hair jig. Coley
  4. Had a blister form on one of my new baits today. First time this has happened. The bait was in a plastic box in my truck in the sun, A blister about as big around as a pencil eraser formed on the forward side. No other baits were effected. Just don't understand it?? Coley
  5. Well, tried another plastic, all it did was melt and run in one big glob down the side of the jar to the bottom. Nothing mixed with the thinner. Coley
  6. How long does it take for the lacquer thinner to dissolve the plastic?? I have had some in a jar now for over an hour and it's not doing much of anything. Coley
  7. It is my opinion that both have their place in our hobby/business. I use both. I always use a spray can for sealing all baits, except balsa. I always use a spray can for priming my baits with either Krylon or Kilz. I use the cheapest paint money can buy. Apple Barn, Decoart, Folk Art and the list continues. It's not the cost of paint, it's the blending of the colors that make a bait look great. But, remember a bait will not look good if it is not finished under the paint. Proper shape and sanding have the most to do with it. Clearcoat makes all paint shine and cost under the clearcoat really, dosen't matter. I think paint is a matter of personal perference. Personally, I like to paint my baits with ink. Coley
  8. Get the largest bandsaw your budget will allow. I am not talking industrial size, I am talking small shop. I bought a Grizzly Ultimate 14" and I have not regretted it one bit. It does beautiful work. Coley
  9. Coley

    Split rings

    If you use any of Janns lips with the split rings attached, check the rings carefully. Most donot go around half way on the dead ends. That means over 1/2 of the second ring is missing. Coley
  10. My choice is the bandsaw. With a 1/8" blade I can cut a very tight radius. With a 3/4" blade I can resaw a large block. With a 1/4" blade I can block saw baits and slice them off and have 5-6 baits cut at a time. Block sawing is the way to go for me. But, I do use Devcon Coley
  11. Don't get netting at Janns, it cost way too much. Get it at Walmart. You can get 2 yards at Walmart for what 1 sq. foot will cost you at Janns, and this doesn't count their shipping cost. Coley
  12. Coley

    TU speed

    Well, it only solved my problem for a couple of log-ons, its back slow again. I ran spybot and there is nothing there. So, it must be something else. This is the only site I have this problem with. Coley
  13. Coley

    TU speed

    Thanks cfl, I ran my spybot and it solved my problem. Coley
  14. All of the old wooden Bombers had a .020" brass lip. The ones I make now have the same .020" brass lip. Coley
  15. Coley

    TU speed

    Anyone other than myself having trouble with this website. When I come here to the home page, I get a blank page that says "done" in the bottom left hand corner. Then after about a 30-40 second wait the TU home page comes up. Moving around in the forums is about the same, some times I have to get completely out and come back in. What about this Jerry?? Are we having some problems with the site?? Coley
  16. Groove on man!!!!!!!!! Thats the kinda of stuff I like to do, the unusual. For example, I have a bait, topwater, covered with real rattlesnake skin. Coley
  17. If those are your first, your going to have a heck of time getting any better. You have a natural talent. Coley
  18. The majority of of lure builders on this site use two types of clearcoats. Devcon 2 Ton epoxy and Envirotex. Both are 2 part, equal mix. Both are easily applied with a brush. Both require the bait to be rotated to keep the material from sagging and dripping off the bait. Now, my preference is Devcon 2 Ton. It comes in a double syringe tube that pushes out equal amounts of the material for mixing. Devcon cures much, much faster than Envirotex. You can rotate a bait for 20-25 min by hand and then hang it up to finish the cure with no danger of sagging. Devcon puts on a thicker coat than Envirotex. Envirotex has a longer working time than Devcon and goes on in a thinner coat. It must be rotated for several hours before it can be hung to finish curing. As for markings on your baits, that is another personal preference. I use as much vinyl as I can. As an example you can use a hole punch to make black dots from electrical tape. You cannot feel the vinyl under the Devcon. I also use it for eyes on a lot of baits and my gill plates are cut from red vinyl. Hope this sheds some light on the subject, Coley
  19. I have found if you don't clean the paint out, waterbased or otherwise, airbrushes will plug up. Right now I have a Paasche VL, I tear it completely down after every paint job and clean it, I only use waterbased paint. Coley
  20. Coley

    Glitter paint

    Great idea Nathaan!! I considered doing this with creamcoat sealer after I bought the glitter paint. Coley
  21. Coley

    Glitter paint

    Found a new product in craft section at wally world this week. At least, its new to me. It's called Twinkles by Decoart. It's a water based glitter paint. It comes in several color, Walmart only had gold and silver. The flakes are very, very small and it won't rub off when dry. It looks like you sprinkled it on. Coley
  22. Found these on ebay, you plastic people might be interested. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=19161&item=8118723967 Coley
  23. Chip, if I was going to be in that area at that time, I would love to fish with you. Coley
  24. I believe your airbrush came with instructions and practice lessons. Coley
  25. Coley

    New popper

    If it produces as good as it looks, you have a winner. Beautiful job!!! Coley
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