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Everything posted by Coley

  1. Welcome slinky5, this is a great place. Everyone is very, very helpful. I hope you take full advantage of all the site has to offer. Coley
  2. If you use Pro-Tec powder paint for your jigs, you shouldn't have to top coat with Devcon. After the paint is cured in the oven, its about as tough as you can use. I have painted many jigs with powder paint and fish them straight up and down in 30 ft of water on a rocky bottom for Sauger for hours on end and have had some wear on the paint but, no chipping. Coley
  3. Jerry is out of town for two weeks handling a family emergency. I will save this email and have him respond when he gets home. Thanks for your support, Mrs. Redg8r I received this from his wife. Coley
  4. Beautiful baits, Chip Really like craw patterns bottom left!! Coley
  5. Hey Nathan, this month (March) is over did you have a meeting?? Coley
  6. There is a tutorial on this site for scales. There is a lot of discussion in the hard bait section about painting eyes and using stick-on eyes. Coley
  7. I live in TN. But, I don't do any fishing in the Clarksville area. I would guess big water would be Kentucky and Barkley lake. Anyhow we will be glad to have you. Coley
  8. Want to see a really beautiful carving, go to the site below and look at "funnyfarm" perch. Great job Toby, Coley http://www.boards2go.com/boards/board.cgi?action=read&id=1080225968&user=Tydwater2
  9. The easiest way to make a dot, is to take a piece of black electrical tape and a 1/4" hole punch. Punch the dot out and stick it on the bait, then clear coat as usual. You cannot feel the dot under devcon. Coley
  10. Looks like it could be a good air compressor for air brushing. 2 Gallon 250 W, 110V Direct Drive Air Outlet: 1/4" NPT Shipping Weight: 20 lbs homier.com Item: 03974 Coley
  11. Has any one thought about a conveyor to cure baits on?? Conveyor is not really the right word in this case, but something that runs similar to one. A chain set at a 45 degree angle with bait attachments. It could be 8 feet long. My question is, what speed would it have to run to be as effective as a round drying wheel?? It could be mounted on a wall with out taking up much space. Give me your ideas on this. I imagine at 4-5 rpm it would really be moving on.
  12. You can dye Lumaflex with several dyes. Rit works, but bleeds too much. Plastic worm dye works, also bleeds a lot. I like India ink. It comes in many colors goes on nicely with a small artist paint brush. Doesn't bleed much. And seems to hold up well. Also, it is waterproof. Coley
  13. Coley

    Clevis size?

    Go here http://search.atomz.com/search/?sp-q=size+chart&sp-a=sp100163b7 Coley
  14. I know this may sound a little harsh. Set your price and stick with it. Were not in this business to appease stores. When they get ready to resell your baits, I don't think they will bat an eye about whether or not their price will PO customers. Sorry, that's how I feel. Coley
  15. I found it, go here. http://home.mchsi.com/~djaroscak/makeeyes.html Coley
  16. Do a search on this site, I know I saw a tutorial somewhere here. Might of been Carolina Chip. Coley
  17. Coley


    I believe 600 x 600 is largest it will accept. Coley
  18. Man, looks to me like your off to a great start. Keep it up!! Coley
  19. I am sorry Dave, I was talking about using it on hardwood, didn't make myself clear. Coley
  20. Has anyone tried using a bullnose router bit to round the edges of flat baits?? I would like to know your experience's. Coley
  21. Here is a sealer Lincoya put me on, it's called Prep, all-purpose Sealer, from Delta Creamcoat. Prepares wood and other porous surfaces for paint. It is waterbased and does a good job. You can put it on with a brush. Dries in less than an hour, ready for sanding. Coley
  22. Hey robertjp, if you think the oil base was the problem of your water based paint peeling, why do you suppose it only happened on 3 baits? My guess would be that water leaked into the bait through an unsealed spot and allowed moisture to collect and swell the bait causing the problem. I use oil base sealer and primer and have not had any problems of this nature. No baits that I have sold have been returned to me with any problems. I like Kilz original primer because of the volume of high build solids. Coley
  23. Coley

    Bait patterns

    I know most of you have read and reread Lincoya's photo bait process. Let me add that you can use this same process to make patterns for your baits. You may use a digital camera to take a picture of a bait you like, resize it to what ever you want, print it out, glue it on a wood blank and cut it out. There's your wooden pattern you can trace around many times to make your baits. Coley
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