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Everything posted by Coley

  1. Is there any particular reason that there are no baits for sale in the Creative Tackle section of our site?????? Coley
  2. With any method that I know of,other than a router, will not be identical. All require a good eyeball. One of the fastest is carving with a good sharp carving knife and then finish up by hand sanding. Lincoya taught me how to carve a round surface from a square one. Coley
  3. Coley

    Check this out

    Ambassadeur 5000 DL I bought this reel in 1960 for $60 bucks. It isw now worth over $1200 24 K gold. Coley
  4. Coley

    paint jobs

    Thanks Merc., I really appreciate the nice comments about my painting. But, I don't do plastic, only cranks. I used to do plastic several years ago. I will do plastic in dire need. But, with so many great plastic folks on this site (such as yourself) I would rather buy or swap for what I want. Coley
  5. Coley


    Jerry, its working fine this morning. Lately, it has been really, really slooooooow. Coley
  6. Coley


    Anyone having problems with this site being extremely slow as compared to the past?? Sometimes it won't even backup to previous page. I have to get out and come back in. Cole
  7. Your baits look very good. Let me suggest one thing. Cut the lip slot before doing any sanding, rounding or tapering. There is very little chance of misalignment if slot is cut while bait is flat. Coley
  8. Anyone know where I can get some 1/16" Lexan lips laser cut?? Coley
  9. Coley

    Dee Bait

    OK guys. I used the stretch & skew in MS paint. I took 32% of the bait pattern and got a pattern for a bait just over 2 5/8" I took 22% of the lip pattern and got a lip almost the size blackjack quoted. I did this by measuring the pattern after I loaded it into paint and using a calculator found what % I needed before changing it. Coley
  10. Coley

    Dee Bait

    Hey blackjack, Is the lip pattern in direct proportion to the bait pattern?? What I am really asking is, would 60% size lip work on a 60% size bait?? Thanks, great job on all of this, Coley
  11. Coley

    Dee Bait

    Thanks blackjack. Coley
  12. Where is the line tie located on the lip?? If its over half the distance forward between the nose of the bait and front of the lip, it probably won't swim. Or if the lip is really large and the line tie is too far back it probably won't swim. Coley
  13. Coley


    You can buy your eyes right here at the TU tackle shop for $1.20 for 20. Coley
  14. Welcome aboard Walt, let us know if we can help you. Coley
  15. Could you post a picture of this please?? It would be worth a 1000 words. Thanks, Coley
  16. Coley

    Which Tip/Needle

    Most use the size 3, besure to get the right needle, tip and aircap. Each needle has a separate tip and aircap. Coley
  17. Coley

    Devcon mishap

    Are you sure you used the 2-Ton?? I used the 5 min by mistake once and had that problem. Was it cold when you applied it?? Did you apply any heat after you put it on?? The bait and epoxy need to be room temp. I have had problems when Devcon is applied cold. Coley
  18. Man, that thing looks ready to eat!! Great job!! Coley
  19. You can change the needle, ( without removing the trigger ) in a VL airbrush, and probably any other brand, by doing the following: 1, remove the head assembly 2, loosen the needle locknut at the rear of brush 3, take the needle you are NOT going to install and push it backwards into the locknut, pushing the needle in the brush forward. Hold light pressure on the trigger and push the needle out of the brush. 4, take the needle you are going to install and push the backend into the front of the brush. Hold light pressure on the trigger and push the needle in until the other needle falls out of the backend of the brush. 5, replace head assembly an tighten locknut, your done. _________________ " Lure Making " The most fun you can have with your clothes on!! Coley
  20. I know you asked about small defects and how to repair. I would guess this happens to all of us except Hughsey, now and then. If it doesn't happen all the time it will be hard to find the cause. I will just keep these baits for myself and not let them get in to the sell bin. Coley
  21. The old bomber lip was made from .020" Brass. I have made several for myself. Coley
  22. Coley

    lee pots

    I am not sure, but I doubt it. Lee says not to melt lead in their plastic pot. I don't imagine the plastic pot will get hot enough to melt lead. I have not seen the lead pot. If it had a thermostat for low temp control it would do the plastic. Coley
  23. Coley


    Stamina has them, they call them jitterbug bibs Go here http://www.staminainc.com/plug_hardware/jitterbug_bibs.html Coley
  24. Good job, Dave I see you are well on your way. Coley
  25. Have a great and wonderful Christmas May you be blessed in the coming year. Coley
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