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Everything posted by Coley

  1. Coley

    Taking Pictures

    I use a white non reflective background, such as a bedsheet. I lay the lure down on the floor and stand above it, I use the flash. take the picture from about 3 ft. Use my photo program to crop and resize. Coley
  2. Coley


    Way to go Nathan!! I love stuff like that. Keep up the good work. Coley
  3. Nice, neat job. Never, thought about one for leadheads. Coley
  4. Looks good Nathan. Did you dye the wire?? Coley
  5. Tally, Don't pay any attention to Skeeter, he helped me get started. I asked 400 questions on TM and TU. The guys were great, all of them. The first bait I made sunk to the bottom. But, it did swim good. The wood was to heavy and the lead made it worse. I tried balsa by itself and didn't have much luck getting it shaped right. So, I made the balsa/cedar lure and thats what I am making and selling here in Columbia, TN. When I started, I had no intention of selling. They just came to me. There are so many good guys here, very few questions go unanswered. If I can help you in anyway let me know. And one more thing, I don't have a school!!!!!! Coley
  6. Keep close check on the white color under your Devcon, I have seen some yellowing by curing to fast. Coley
  7. Does Crystal Sheen require more than one coat?? Coley
  8. Well, don't be depressed. Be happy, happy you have the ability to make baits and enjoy fishing with them. I started in March of this year. No intentions to sell any. They came to me, I sold my first two yesterday. Yea, it was nice and made me proud. Would I like to sell a lot, NO! It would become a hassel. Now, I can work at my own pace and enjoy the hobby. If it was a business, it wouldn't be so much fun, deadlines to meet, baits not living up to expectations, bitching and moaning from customers. When they buy your baits they expect them to be miracle lures. Cast and catch and win. Just enjoy and be happy!!!!! Coley
  9. Try Jannsnetcraft page 16, 2003 complete catalog, 2nd edition they have 2 sizes, 1 and 3 1 part # 310-308 $5.79/100 3 part # 310-309 $5.16/100 Coley
  10. Got my baits today. Thanks Merc for your hard work. You did a fine job. All the baits look really good, wish I had some of your talent for pouring. Thanks to all who participated. Coley
  11. Has anyone used Medea Com-Art paint?? It is waterbased and the advertisment says it drys instantly. Or has anyone used Spectralite?? it is advertised to brush without brush strokes. Dixie-Arts sells both Coley
  12. I cheated on the baseballs, stickers from Hobby Lobby. Coley
  13. Very, very good Chip. I can hear Harry Carey now!! Thank you!!! Coley Did you see the bleeding shad, looked good to me.
  14. You got it. Both play and thats their colors and numbers. Coley
  15. Coley

    Air Brush Help

    While were talking about paint, has anyone tried Medea Com-Art?? This stuff is water based and advertised to dry instantly.. Coley
  16. Coley

    Fish Eye Question

    You can make perfect stick on eyes with two different sizes of hand held hole punchers and different colors of electrical tape. prism tape or about any thin material you can glue on a bait. Coley
  17. Hey Merc, Please don't send my left over bags back. Keep them or send them to who ever ask first. Compared to what some of the guys here make, they would be excellent remelts. Coley
  18. Coley

    Air Brush Paints

    Yes, you can use water based craft paint. I get mine at walmart. You will have to thin it a little. Coley
  19. I am by no means an expert but, I will try to help you out. Are you sure the needle is all the way into the tip before starting?? There is a adjusting nut under the handle that allows the trigger to slide up the needle to control the amount of paint. Most people spray with the handle removed so they may quickly adjust the the amount of paint. Air pressure sounds a little high to me, try 18-22 lbs. Does the tip match the needle?? Each needle has a separate tip. Do you have a water filter in the air line?? Compressor air is warm and condenses in the hose as it cools. Is everything good and clean?? Hope this helps you out some. Coley
  20. Very nice job!! Please tell me how you cut the lip slot and keep it horinzontally level with the bait??? Coley
  21. If you are not going to have a line tie in the lip of your crankbait, what difference does it make, what material you use?? As long as it looks ok and doesn't flex to much. Coley
  22. You can polish an airbrush needle using your Dremel tool and Tripoli. Use the large felt pad, spin it in the Tripoli until its coated. Hold the needle with the point toward you, hold the Dremel in your right hand, ( you want the rotation to be with the taper of the needle on the donward slope ) run Dremel on low speed and using light pressure, stroke the needle. Rotate the needle in your hand. You can actually see the difference and your paint will flow much smoother with very little if any build up. Coley
  23. You can change the needle, ( without removing the trigger ) in a VL airbrush, and probably any other brand, by doing the following: 1, remove the head assembly 2, loosen the needle locknut at the rear of brush 3, take the needle you are NOT going to install and push it backwards into the locknut, pushing the needle in the brush forward. Hold light pressure on the trigger and push the needle out of the brush. 4, take the needle you are going to install and push the backend into the front of the brush. Hold light pressure on the trigger and push the needle in until the other needle falls out of the backend of the brush. 5, replace head assembly an tighten locknut, your done.
  24. Coley

    Thanks Jerry

    Thanks Jerry for starting this site for us. Coley
  25. Do any of you guys strain your paint before spraying your lures?? If so, what do you strain it through?? Thanks, Coley
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