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Mattlures last won the day on February 10 2012

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  1. Do any of you guys know a good source for stainless sinker eyes? I am looking for #1 long. I checked the regular online stores. I am looking for the manufactures, or a good price on 1000's. I bought them by the pound several years ago but I cant remember where I got them.
  2. Do any of you guys know a good source for stainless sinker eyes? I am looking for #1 long. I checked the regular online stores. I am looking for the manufactures, or a good price on 1000's. I bought them by the pound several years ago but I cant remember where I got them.
  3. I met Kurita when he came to the USA and stayed at a buddies house. He told us about seeing bigger bass then the one he caught. He was cool. He had his interprature with him. He also brought his tackle box. His baits looked kinda funky with feathered hooks and weird colors. He showed us the bait he caught the lake record on to.
  4. Kurita caught the world record bass on a live bluegill. He caught a lake record on the mother
  5. I usually put on 3-4 very heavy coats that I need to rotate. The finished product resembles a heavy epoxy coat but with much less time and hassle
  6. I love using auto clears. I am just seeing if anybody has their favorites.
  7. One of the clears I use is an automotive clear. Its Kustom shop and I am not totally satisfied with it. It seems to dull easier then other clears after prolonged use. It also seems a little bit soft. I am wonder what auto clears you guys use and what you think of them. I am very happy with its ease of use Basically I am hoping somebody hear is using an auto clear that's a little harder and or stays shinny after being fished hard
  8. My lead guy recently went MiA so I need a new source. Do you guys know any? I don't have production molds. I am most likely looking for somebody who does spin casting Thanks
  9. Recently my lead guy went MIA so I need a new source. I need some small lead inert pieces made. I don't have production molds so I will need somebody to spin cast them. Any of you guys know a good source? Thanks
  10. The biggest reason I don't use mesh or a harder plastic is the baits simply wont swim as good. I will take a bait that produces big bites over a bait that is more durable but doesnt produce as well every single time. Real prey uses silicone. That works with his style of wedge tail. It would not work with a boot style tail. Most of my soft baits require very soft plastic to get the right action I am looking for. If you lube your baits while fishing them they will tare a lot less often. If you use Mend-it you can make them last a long time. My #1 priority is for my baits to get bites and specifically big bites. Everything else is 2nd. For me its not a matter of cost its a matter of fish
  11. Heat up the hook bend until its red. Bend it out to where you want it to be and then dip in cold water. This works on titanium wire too.
  12. I agree with Vodkaman. There are new baits and products every year. A lot are recycled ideas but there are always a few that are new and unique. I feel that when guys say there are no new ideas,they are using that as an excuse to steel somebody else's idea or they just can come up with anything new. At the very least there are improved materials and components. Look at swimbaits today. Those old lures look like kids toys compared to todays realism. You may argue that they share similar designs but they are so vastly improved. There are a couple ways to be successful in the fishing product business. #1 make a good a product with the cheapest price. Guys will buy it. #2 is make the best. There will always be a market for the best of anything. If you make the best you can charge what you want. If your somewhere in between then it gets real tough. You guys want to get rich? I'll give you an idea I have had for over 30 years. Make a clear hook. Make it like fluorocarbon. Make it strong enough and make it stay sharp. If you can make a clear hook that's 80% comparable to a steel hook, you would be very wealthy. That would certainly be something new!
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