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Pop last won the day on March 29 2020

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  1. Pop


    Thanks, I will take a look at them. Pop
  2. Story of my life, but better late than never. I believe the previous owner of Lure craft who sold all hand poured molds knew how to do the pre-rigged worms. He sold specially made molds to accommodate the worms with clips or o rings to hold the internal line. Maybe he passed on the information to the current owner. Good Luck, Pop
  3. Pop


    Thanks for all replies. I will continue to try and purchase a new Bass Tackle twin injector and blending block. As a side, I live in Pocono Lake Pennsylvania and have quite a few boxes of popcorn salt. If you are in the area I will GIVE some boxes to anyone that uses salt in their baits. Best fishing. Pop
  4. Pop


    Just starting with injection molds. Most companies are out of stock for the injectors. I'm looking for a 6oz injector and would appreciate recommendations. Should mention I would prefer a locking injector. All help is appreciated. Do-It Molds has their injector available but they are not locking. Are they good injectors? Thanks again. Pop
  5. Pop

    Tube Jigs

    There must be a mold somewhere as confidence baits sells a 2 inch tube bait. I am looking into dipping instead of a mold and have seen some clever ways of cutting the tails. Pop
  6. Molds are still available. Thanks
  7. Pop

    Poured Spinner & Buzz Baits

    Have poured 1/4 spinner baits and buzz baits and poured 1/8 spinner baits. Did not count, If there are less than 200 will refund .25 each for difference. All over 200 your bonus.
  8. Pop

    Iron Mike

    Members 4 posts 0 warning points Posted Today, 09:32 PM Ok, tore one apart today and still not sure of all material, but; here is my opinion and the opinion of the gentleman at the fly shop. The hook is a nymph size 8, 3XL The tail is Maribou and Mallard, Rib-micro green flashabou, Body-LarvaLace, Under Wing and Over Wing of mallard, Collar is Micro Flashabou and ofcourse a black bead head. White thread is used for tying. The under wing and over wing are from the same feather. The maribou seems to be tied in almost to the bead head. This gives the fly some bulk. I think this streamer will do a good job. Thanks for everyone's help. Feed back is appreciated.
  9. Pop

    Iron Mike

    That is the one.
  10. Pop

    Iron Mike

    Saw a fly today that is sold by Crazy Legz, it is call the "Iron Mike". The clerk in the fly shop and myself could not figure how it was tied. Does anyone know how to ty this fly? Looks like a great fly for either trout or crappie. Thanks, Pop
  11. 7 Cavity each. Used very little, less than 12 times. Email: mrjohn@epix.net
  12. Can anyone recommend a Wine color powder paint? Thanks, Pop
  13. Makes sense if I don't do too many, to file off the eyes. I'll wait and see how many I get into and if I start doing any quantity, I'll fill in the eyes. Pop
  14. I want to pour some of these jigs but don't want the eyes that are in the mold. I can only think of 2 ways to eliminate them. One would be to fill in the small holes in the mold that make the eyes but can't decide the best material, or to file off the eyes after they are poured. For those who pour these jigs, and eliminate the eyes, what do you do to accomplish this. Thanks for your help. Pop
  15. Hope I am not breaking any site rules. I am not into spinnerbaits but have a number of poured spinnerbaits (I'd need to check quanity and size) that have been laying around. Also I have Mustad 32786BLN size 3/0, Eagle Claw L255M size 2/0, and 3/0 all in boxes of 1,000. Probably some of the hooks have been removed but does not appear to be many removed. I'd like to get rid of all. Pop
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