I can pass this information onto you. I asked a similar question on another site and the following is part of the reply I received from Al Winco of Winco's Custom Lures.
Single bladed buzzbaits produce a torque which can cause the buzzbait to run on their side if out of alignment or used in a cross wind.
Counter rotating buzzbaits diffuse the one sided torque and run straighter as a rule and produce a different soung and bubble trail-at times the fish love'em.
Al prefers to hold the rod tip close to the waters' surfact when fishing a buzzbait from a boat. This give the angler a short delay which is beneficial for positive hooksets without early striking on a visual hit.
An in-line buzzbaits will run straight in all conditions because the blade is on the same shaft as the hook. In-lines have a different sound that work well in smooth surface water conditions.
Hope this helps a little. Pop
I see page 3, it's that tail that I am talking about. What is it made from?
Thanks, Pop
I'm thick headed sometimes, well maybe most of the time. Thanks
Del, what is your tail made from? How is your tail attached to the knife?
I hope I am not asking anything something that has already been answered, but; I couldn't find the answer. Thanks for your help. Pop
Want to get some opinions on the new shakey heads that Barlow is showing from do-it. If you were to purchase one, would you still purchase the standad weedless football head or the new mold. Pop
In the near future I will probably need some small round head unpainted jig heads without collars. Sizes 1/16, 1/32, 1/64, 1/80, and 1/100. Not alot, maybe 100 each. Does anyone sell these. Pop
PS: Hook Info?
Thanks, Pop
I spoke with Do-It one time and I believe they told me that even if something is nolonger in the catalog and they made it in the past, they would provide the mold. I'd give them a call. pop
I use the small glass marbles found at any craft store. They are primarily used for artificial flower designs. From what I was able to find out, these are just what the paint manufacturers use in the spray cans. Pop
I bought some hi lite colors a long time ago and never used them. Going to give them a try this week but can't remember if you put the powder in before or after you heat the plastic. Can someone remind me. Thanks, Pop
I have been seeing an infomercial for a lure called "hydra lure". It is basically a Rapala head with a swimbait body and tail. Maybe that is what you are thinking about. Look at https://www.hydralure.com/ver1/index.asp?refcode=Hydra1
they have a video. Pop
Old Man, that's a nice looking jig. Drilling to 1/8" for the medium hitch hiker made me go back to the Barlow catalog and look at the molds again. The mold that takes the 90 degree hook and the flat eye hook takes an F30 weed guard which is 1/8" diameter weed guard. Should beable to do what you suggest with that mold without any alterations. Do you agree. Pop
I'm getting a football jig mold and can't decide which one to get. I want to make Shaky Head jigs. The regular weedless mold or the mold that takes both the 570 hook and the flat eye hook. Any suggestions. Pop
I'd be interested in one myself. I don't sell my jigs and really don't need to spend the money on the large jars. Maybe you or Dayooper could post picture and particulars. Pop