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Everything posted by Pop

  1. Triton Mike, I agree with you. You can get a wide gap hook with a straight eye also. Pop
  2. Afraid my posting has gotten lost. If you can tell me, what is covering the head of the grub? Thanks, Pop
  3. Nice spinner. What is the grub's head sitting inside of? Pop
  4. What make and style hooks do you recommend for In Line Spinners for bass. Pop
  5. Where do you get the microspheres? Pop
  6. I reached back in time for this one. I am looking to purchase some blades for in-line trout spinners and I had the same question. Spoke with Lakeland and for their heavier guage french blade in gold the price difference is not that much for premium finsih. The woman I spoke with though seemed to indicate that premium finish is not necessary and the price is not even in their catalog, she mailed me a price quote. She also mailed me some samples of size two and three French blades. This is where I get confused (not hard to do that these days) I matched up the Lakeland size 3 with some size 2 that I just purchased from Stamina and they matched up perfectly. The fact that they matched up so perfectly makes me think that Stamina buys from Lakeland but renumbers the sizes. Now the next dilema is that the Worth French blades are all .025 guage which is what the Lakeland heavy guage size is. Lakeland's standard guage is 0.18. For trout spinners, which would be best (not cheapest). Would the thinner guage spin better? I havn't seen the Worth French blade, but how much difference is their sizes. To compare quality is one thing but then to compare pricing when the sizes are not consistant with each other, makes it almost impossible to decide where to purchase the blades.Can you see my confusion? Any help will be appreciated. Pop
  7. Pop

    In Line Spinners

    Looks good. Very clever. Pop
  8. Pop

    In Line Spinners

    "Buzz" the mouse? Pop
  9. For in line spinners, who likes attaching the hook with a split ring and who likes attaching direct to the wire end? And most importantly, why? Pop
  10. Pop

    Spinner Blades

    Whose spinner blades do you like the best? Pop
  11. Boggs makes an extension for longer wire. Check their website http://www.tacklemaker.com/home.html Pop
  12. GOOD JOB. Let us know when you catch your first fish on those puppies. Pop
  13. Do you also cast the lures? Pop
  14. jm, do you add a color to the silmar 41? If you do, what kind? Thanks, pop
  15. Can you post a picture or verbally describe the jig? Pop
  16. Try this site http://www.geocities.com/theroddoctor/ Pop
  17. Try this website, they may be able to help. http://tacklebright.com/ Pop
  18. That's one of the nice things about hand pouring, you can have it either way. Pop
  19. I am the original Pops Bait and Tackle. Sold it a number of years ago. Pop
  20. The best salt for a slow sinking stick bait is imaginery salt. Just can't have your cake and eat too. I see you are from Moosic, Pa. I live in Pocono Lake. I pour my 4 1/4 sticks with salt for fishing wacky rigged under a bobber, the salt helps keep the stick down. My 5 1/4 sticks I pour with just scent and usually Texas rig them and the hook takes the stick down head first with the back end sitting up waving in the water saying come get me. I fish mostly shallow lakes with just a few exceptions which I would guess you do also, and this works best for me. Good luck. Pop
  21. Cadman, do you use something bigger than a toaster oven to cure your spinnerbaits? In my oven I don't have quite enough inside height. Pop
  22. Joe, how do you apply your paint? Thanks, Pop
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