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Salty's last won the day on August 23 2023

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    Plug Cave

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  1. Similar to proprionate..
  2. Salty's


    I had it manufactured.
  3. Salty's


    Is here! I gotta figure out how to break this down.
  4. Yes many different variants of pine. As Travis said Eastern white pine is best. There's all kinds of pine though and some is nowhere near as good as the rest. White pine should finish out to a creamy texture. Other pines not so much they can be hard, tear out alot, Sugar pine is great stuff but $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and hard to source.
  5. I hit report as I'm sure others probably already have.
  6. You do realize that even spraying water based paints can expose you to things like ethylene glycol etc in your lungs. Your homeowners insurance may not like this either. Wear a respirator and and don't spray hazardous stuff.
  7. Just be careful there are seals that don't like chemicals like this. Hence why you find alot of lesser cleaners out there like windex etc.
  8. Thin with drops of denatured alcohol. Then use a good camel hair brush with the bristles cut down and draw it across the lure. You can coat a saltwater size lure nicely in short time. Don't mix alot at once or it will light off faster.
  9. And the answer is: THE ONE THAT WORKS FOR YOU. Webster's definition of clear coat: The endless search by fisherman for the ultimate coating for a fishing lure. Derived from clear coatus, Latin for waste a ridiculous amount of time and money looking for a product that doesn't exist. See tackleunderground searches for more information back to 820 BC lol
  10. Should not be using acetone. Use denatured alcohol or xylene first. Acetone is caustic to latex & water based paints. SURE way to have adhesion issues.
  11. WAAAAAAAAAAY too thin. Your sealing your lure with paint thinner. Must smell great to a fish too.
  12. YES it is if you can get it to evenly dry. But it can be extremely dangerous to work with... Always wash your hands before you grab your pecker lol
  13. You need to understand how wood acts if you want to seal the right way. Wood fiber end grain is like a straw. This is how the tree gets moisture to its leaves and nutrients to it's roots. THE OBJECT ISNT TO SEAL INTO THE MIDDLE OF THE LURE. Guys that are dipping for hours and hours are doing NOTHING but throwing sealer away and allowing wood to increase in weight which could make a dud. The idea is to seal the capillary tubes for two reasons. One is keeping water out. Two is providing a base layer for your primer and paint to stick to and not be absorbed. "paint flow". What difference does it make if your sealer hits the middle of the lure? Fish are only going to penetrate a small amount even with the sharpest of teeth. The idea is to seal all the end grain. End of lure, inside drilled holes etc. I hope this post doesn't take me off my newbie status.
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