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Everything posted by Salty's

  1. threadlocks are an anaerobic glue. A derivative of super glue.. But not meant to hold what your asking, that is done by a RP/rubber/plastic type of CA. There's many kinds of CA. You ant the rubber/plastic CA glue. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loctite I can tell you this. I have been using a CA glue in commercial production for 4-5 years without a failure. I can glue a piece of .062 wire in the face of a piece of birch, and the next day I can grab that with pliers and do anything possible to rip that wire out. I've broken the wire completely through before any part of the CA bond failed...so if your breaking loose a CA bond you got to be doing something wrong. Too thin a glue is my guess...There are many grades of thickness of CA, you can go from thinner than water to thicker than goo. You want to inject your holes with a thick CA then put the eye in. If you use the right glue you will shear that eye screw off taking it out.
  2. What did PT Barnum once say? LOL
  3. No worries. As said there are many flavors. And catalysts. Whether it is uv stable depends on the catalyst. Is definitely meant to be used outside. I know of a few lure companies who use it.
  4. You better do some more homework then Polane comes in many flavors. There are also numerous catalysts.
  5. No pressure pot required. You can spray polane with the proper equipment you don't need anything like a pressure pot.
  6. POLANE If you can coat a golfball with it and it lasts and lasts then imagine what it's like on a fishing lure Ask Sherwin Williams
  7. Thanks guys. Some of the original videos got deleted in cleaning up stuff online. This machine has made alot of lures now. It's been very reliable. Dust collection continues to be an issue. Needs a collector 3-4 times bigger than it has now.
  8. Bob I'm glad it works for you. I'm standing by what I said however. You can't put a product using acetone over a water based paint. Acetone causes water based coatings to delaminate. I have no clue why some as yourself don't have issues and others do. Maybe it's got more to do with what was used to prime it etc. I don't know. I've seen it time and again though and what I said is commonly available on google. Take a lure you sprayed with createx and wipe it with acetone on a paper towel after you think it's dry...
  9. You can't put anything containing acetone over a water based finish.
  10. Would love to learn more about this if you did a tutorial about lures. They are very distinct shapes and attributes. I have been mucking around with 3d stuff for several years now. Dave is a master of this stuff. Was a huge help in getting my feet wet. It's very time consuming.
  11. take a look at a zenbot machine. $499 for the machine and $399 for a gecko based controller. $150 for Mach3 $200 for a spindle and ziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing That is a very good value for the money.
  12. First rock that thing hits faaaaaagetaboutit
  13. Some people like things on a silver platter... I prefer however to not "spoon feed" people and let them learn and create on their own. Pizz I seen your clearcoat mines better roflmao that is one post title that will never end. Someday there will be carbon tetronannyte perchlorated ester clear. It will be one part with 110% gloss, 200% solids, no runs, no bubbles, will withstand a nuclear bomb, and is safe for kids to bite on. Ducking and running.
  14. Salty's


    Have used them for blades for 10+ years. They answer quickly each time? I don't think they will sell to an average person without a 637
  15. Salty's

    Pelucid Spray

    I used it many many moons ago. Would be better off just sipping some hydrochloric acid LOL that stuff is NASTY. Your liable to grow a third testicle. It does spray nice though.
  16. Dave nice job looks good congrats on winning and being banned LOL
  17. It's not cedar it's part of the Cypress family.. It's also become almost an endangered species...there have been huge kills in the last several years. The average age of these trees is 5-800 years old. It is not uncommon that they grow to 1000 years +. They live in the higher elevations from northern California to Alaska up the coast. They prefer damp wet cool climates. It is not a readily renewable wood source. Once the old growth is gone it will be like many other woods that have gone the same way ie redwood etc. Many mills not cutting it due to the economy. The diesel alone makes it double in cost to ship cross country.
  18. Salty's


    Simple cheap web cart is cart32 they have a website check it out. There's people that even host the carts like this for you.
  19. Salty's


    Frontpage works very well although slightly outdated it's hard to beat. I do all my own site in frontpage. It's nothing to rave about but it's simple and it works. Dreamweaver is another good program. There's all kinds. You can even make web pages in MS Word etc. I highly recommend you look at things like Joomla, Cafepress, etc, content management is pretty much the new standard for websites. Hard to learn but it allows more flexibility these days.
  20. step one call the irs and get the forms going to get a employer tax id number. You need this whether you have employees or not. Step 2 get registered with irs for sportfishing excise tax. Don't get caught playing the game like alot of guys in this business do. Step 3 call your insurance agent and get a policy Step 4 call your town and get registered step 5 start marketing If you think your going to make money in this business then best step back. The pay is about -.10 per hour. Yes that's minus cuz you ain't gonna make what you think. I can say this being in business full time doing this since 2002
  21. The plastic stuff he's using that he got from Alumilite is called "coroplast" board, it's available at home depot. It's in a weird place by the glass or something. One huge piece is cheaper that buying the strips from alumilite. They're just cutting up the same thing. It glues well with hot melt glue. Simple and even cheaper than superglue/accelerator.
  22. Carbon Dioxide breaks the bubbles. A torch or alcohol flame on low or simply breathing on it will pop the bubbles. There is a product out there called "bubble buster" I think it is, not sure if it works with etex.
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