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Everything posted by Salty's

  1. Dave I gave up on 3d. Got any wireframe outlines of what you sent me before? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UTCL2l6PwM&feature=player_embedded [quote name=Vodkaman' timestamp='1277879845' post ='148796] Sorry Chris, I have done absolutely nothing for months now. I have been bogged down with other stuff. Might be getting back to it soon, but cannot say when. I will report any progress. Dave
  2. I brushed two display lures last week, came out ok, got two runs on each one that I didn't see. Rest of it turned out pretty good. The can has been opened 4 or 5 times now and always sealed with stretch wrap plastic. I picked the can up today and it's still sloshy liquid inside. If your going to use it occasionally you will need another few cans. I'm going to have a hard time opening this next time and I cleaned it up pretty good.
  3. Alsa sells the same flake you can put it in anything. I don't think it looks the same to a fish though...
  4. Have any of you guys ever done 3d/elliptical turning on a cnc lathe? Looking for a g code file to test a machine. I don't have much cad experience.Or looking for a 3d lure style image if anyone has one I'd love to test that too.Will trade for some blanks if you want.
  5. Yesterday I got an email from kbs looking for feedback, since the telephone number was in front of me I called tech support. The guy says specifically that this bubbling is caused by the product being too thick. In this case too much is accumulating at the bottom of the lure. He suggested thinning 10-30% with their #1 thinner and trying again. Said that should work fine. I like that too because it's a thinner coat and faster drying I'm sure.
  6. I guarantee no matter how anal you want to be that you will still get bubbles on these. It happens hours after they are dipped. How many hours I don't know but I've looked at the lures up to 2 hours later and no bubbles then the next morning they've all got bubbles in any areas that were thicker than the rest..
  7. 34B is my favorite but I wouldn't throw away anything bigger or smaller if it presented itself LOL Sorry I had to
  8. Hung by the tails is the only way to do these because they use #2 screws to hold the bib in. I found that you can hang them with a #10 cup hook and just softly insert it in the tail hole. The drip is on the top of the lure right at the point that it meets the bib because that's the lowest part when it hangs. Wish they could be flipped I already said that to myself.
  9. Still got those @#$@! bubbles in the last little drip spot on the bottom of the lure and inside the eyes. Several of the bubbles in the eyes were as big as the eye...covered the whole depth of the eye. I really dislike this stuff due to the bubbles in those thicker spots. That's the biggest drawback I've seen so far. One stupid little issue..
  10. Those pics are sideways also, the bodies hang by their tails.
  11. Matty et all I threw a few racks together today of micro scuttlebuggers and shot them with all different colors. These two racks represent a new way of doing things here, dip seal, dip primer, spray and dip clear. Up until this point I've always dip sealed then sprayed from there out so this is something a bit different. I wanted to see how much faster adding as many dips as possible was compared to spraying. Much faster. Last time I dipped a bunch of stuff and sealed the can with saran wrap. So I open up my KBS and IT'S HARD AS A ROCK... LOL not. It was just fine. I dipped 50 lures. Some drawbacks to this stuff. It creeps.... If you dip you can't sprinkle any glitter on the lure...it creeps no matter how long you wait in the first 20 min or so. So it takes an extra step...STEPS....because I went back twice in the course of an hour and a half and found little beads on the bottom of the lure which had to be wiped off with a brush. The first time was about 20 minutes after they dipped and dripped...the second time was surprising because there didn't look like there was any more to drip. So you have to dip, let it sit for a long while, then go back and sprinkle glitter on them if that's what you do. Time consuming... Also the second time I went back to check them, when I wiped them with the brush I got thick stringy clear coming off the end of the lure where the brush touched...it's very touchy you have to hit the stuff at just the right time. Anyways I wanted to see how the stuff worked out with some freshwater lures going to some shops. It has a bunch of drawbacks but I do love the clarity and look of the lures with it on. Resealed the can with bloxygen and saran again also...had to clean the lid off with pliers there was a bunch of dried gook on there even though I had wiped it pretty good before. See how it works on the next batch I plan on spraying it to see how it works out. Attaching a couple of pics to show how the stuff looks close up. Camera isn't that good.
  12. Use a slower thinner and thin it more. What's happening is it's drying in the air as it's atomized.
  13. Problem with pelucid is the stuff has a toxicity rating just below a atom bomb and it tends not to stick to alot of stuff. Sheets off. This stuff is harder than pelucid also from what I've seen so far. And the bending is one of the issues I've seen with it too...it never seems to really "harden" all the way.
  14. You need to fix underlying coating problems first if that is happening. This says it's failing paint to primer. Edit..I continue to be impressed with the stuff and dipped another popper this morning. This one is a bit cleaner. I'm going to try two dips on this one.
  15. did you shake the can or stir it
  16. paint not dry or too thick top coat I think. Dipping or brushing?
  17. Day 3 the stuff is rock hard. Even the area at the bottom and in the eye cannot be dug into at the slightest with your fingernail. Small bubbles did not disappear. Did a 1/16" cross hatch yesterday and passed very nicely. The adhesion on the cup hook was incredible. Took a hard scraping with an xacto knife to do damage. Today I'm going to sink this to the bottom of a bucket for 24 hours. Let's see what it does. Matty did you fish yours yet?
  18. The lure was hung by the hook in the front. The bubbles are where the topcoat had puddled after it was dipped and ran. It was not wiped off on purpose. Drip dry. There are no other bubbles in any other places. It's not a defect in the sealer. The bubble issue only happened on the thick parts where it ran. The literature says one of the drawbacks is co2 bubbles trapped under the surface layer on thick coats. IMO exactly what happened here. Am wondering if this is cut with their thinner if it would eliminate this issue all together. I'm betting a thinner dip would allow it to flow out better.
  19. No loss of gloss. Looks wet. Single coat. Opened, stirred, dipped, cleaned the rim and closed the can with plastic wrap in between. Ok you got my attention. In goes the fingernail into the surface. I dented the wood. Rip my fingernail across it...nuh uh that ain't happening. Ok now you REALLY got my attention. 15 hours and it's this durable? I see a few problems with it. One is the storage issue in the can, guys dipping I could see this flashing off in a few days. Wonder how it works brushing... The other problem is they warn thick coats can trap co2 inside the top layer in the form of bubbles...I think I see this on the lure I dipped, I haven't louped it yet at 10x power but it sure "feels" like a bunch of bubbles collected in the corner of the eye and at the bottom of the lure where the natural drip occurs from hanging-I think even if you dipped with the stuff you would have to go back and wipe the boogers off on bottom edges... FWIW I have used DN in the past, wasn't a big fan of it, didn't like the smell, didn't like how it acted on the lures for a bunch of reasons. This stuff is something to seriously look at. I compare it to DN and go with this already. This is a single coat on pine and it has the durability of epoxy. It remains to be seen how it works with water and fish but i'll stick it on a few bodies and see. I'd say these guys have come pretty close to the holy grail of fishing lure topcoats.
  20. day two. one word WOW
  21. It don't smell like pelucid etc. It smells like a cross between naptha and mineral spirits. I dipped a small lure in it this afternoon so lets see what it looks like tomorrow. Still very sticky about 1 hour after dipping. boogers non existent on the bottom, slight crown of extra material at the bottom of the lure. It's got about a ~90 gloss on it wet and looks deep. I don't plan on changing to the stuff but curious to see what it does as a one part.
  22. I just looked at this and it sure looks like it's the exact same product as Pelucid or trying to compete against it. I may be wrong but the characteristics, specs etc match. Nasty stuff. Aliphatic urethane. Moisture cured. Can gets sealed and the stuff cures out very quick when opened. Same as Dick Nite's too or very similar. http://www.kbs-coatings.com/diamondfinish-clearcoat-info.html
  23. take it to someone with a laser and ask them to cut you out some shapes. Givem a case of beer. You'd be surprised what that'll do for you LOL
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