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Everything posted by Salty's

  1. Well be pissed off then. The failure of the fishery is INDEED in part to guys do underground sales. WHY? Because here in the US we are required to pay a federal excise tax on sales of fishing components. This gets earmarked for all kind of things, INCLUDING CONSERVATION. Last time I checked that included fish counts, etc etc. ALL of which have a DIRECT bearing on decisions made by fisheries managers.......... Current issues with Striped Bass could have possibly been averted years ago had fisheries managers held accurate information....
  2. But the real issue here is it's a never ending battle. 20 years now here. I feel the cashmo and under tables sales/building/etc is just out of control at this point. It's disgusting and quite frankly I'm tired of it and the lack of IRS enforcement etc dealing with this stuff. If it's affecting my business then take a guess how much it affects even bigger businesses. If you own a lathe, bandsaw and a spray bomb of paint your an instant lure company.
  3. It's not just painting it's the whole business. It's full of people doing cash business. IRS doesn't care. It's disgusting and I been saying it for years. Now there's no more fish left that conservation was supposed to help....funded by Sportfishing excise...cash people in this business have only themselves to blame.
  4. Hows that clearcoat working out
  5. Lets go take a ride....post the address.....A lock in a sock will do wonders to smarten this dirtbag up
  6. It's a Henway..... LOL definite antique Bomber.
  7. Salty's

    Topwater Wood

    Red, White, Yellow, some Port Orford Cedar Pines, not yellow. Eastern White and Sugar. You want high buoyancy woods especially for topwater. If you use fishing lure screweyes and epoxy or ca glue them in they will not pull. If you are that concerned use through wire technique like saltwater does. Not necessary if you have the right thread taper for the screw eyes.
  8. If I had a $1 for every time someone told me that a particular lure was the only consistent fish catcher.... Well lets just say I would have a Lear jet in my driveway.
  9. Wait...you make $15 an hour?? Whats your secret!!! LOL I'm still only making $2 an hour and it's been almost 19 years now? I'm jealous now
  10. Paint flow is all about the SUBSTRATE or coating under the paint... If you are having problems go to a harder coating under. You will get better flow.
  11. Worn o rings would be my guess.
  12. I predict this will be the single most viewed post here in history LOL
  13. I just melt down car batteries Yes I'm kidding..... Lead should be poured outside. $2 a lb is pretty much going rate.
  14. Riverman has it right. DO NOT use acetone. It will attack the chains in the epoxy and weaken. It will also lift the paint off your lure. It's a polar solvent. NO Isopropyl alcohol either. Yeeks. Really bad. Denatured Alcohol in drops. It will not react is the biggest reason why. The bubbles are from mixing. Use a plastic stir stick, not wood also. There are many tricks to doing epoxy finishes on lures. Too many. https://www.google.com/search?q=isopropyl+alcohol+to+thin+epoxy&oq=isopropyl+alcohol+to+thin+epoxy&aqs=chrome..69i57j0.13327j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 GOOD read... https://epoxyworks.com/index.php/thinning-west-system-epoxy/
  15. 3d printer or a plotter/cutter? Stencils arent done on a 3d printer? Link or model and may be able to help
  16. Bubbles have been a problem with kbs since they brought this to market. I know many have called kbs themselves and have hear dozens of reasons why it bubbles, none of which I believe other than to echo what others have found that it will only bubble where it puddles. Some have said reduce it, this just makes a thinner coat and imo reduces the likelyhood of this bubbling happening. Some woods will hold air, sometimes paid will outgas for a long time, but none of these appear to be the culprit here. Bubble Buster was brought to the market for amine epoxy/rod finish some years ago for this same problem. I think it's gone now so doubt can be tried nor do I feel confident it would work here. I think kbs needs to come up with a solution for this and more would use their product. Painting a kick ass bait then having it ruined by bubbles really sucks.
  17. Plenty of companies locally that make clamshell packaging. Any local printer can print inexpensive inserts. Digital printing is dirt cheap these days.
  18. If there is one thing I've learned about message boards and the interblab. ...there is always someone who knows more than you. Or thinks they do. Good luck with your purchase. When your kids and grandkids can't find a job anymore you can sit and wonder why. Shipping is peanuts. If all you can compete on is price then I suggest you look for something else to do. I see plenty of guys with a lathe, drill press and a band saw jump into the wood lure market and sell $30 lures every day. Make a good product at a fair price and do it legit and people will beat your door down. Peace n hair grease. I'm out.
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