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Everything posted by Stumpy041486

  1. now that i think about it i think it was popcorn salt and not sea salt....i guess i got confused....i would love to get some of that salt youre talking about.....wat is it used for?wats it called? thanx
  2. so i can just use regular salt or should i use sea salt? thanx
  3. hey its been a while since ive made any lure.... i made some senko type lures a while back and i got the recipe a while back but i dont remeber how much to use of everything....i remember i used sea salt and thats about it.... any information would be apreciated thanx
  4. i looked at that site earlier....its not really the blue im looking for...i want something more blue than that electric blue thanx
  5. hey i cant find a blue tube anywhere?i used to use a strike king one but they dont make them anymore....im looking for a 3.5"-4" tube that is the color of zooms saphire blue thanx
  6. hey i have 536 plastic,popcorn salt, my dyes and glitter, and pro cure scents... i made one batch earlier but i cant remember the recipe...i think i might have scorched the plastic also...it didnt look discolored but it smelled so i ordered all 3 pro cure sauces....i want to use 1/2 cup of plastic... so how much salt and scent and when do i add what? and how long do i heat in microwave.....the mold i have is an aluminum mold like dels but from someone else...but they are kinda hollow on top...they still work but is there anyway to fix this? thanx Matt
  7. ok thanx everyone i think i will try the threadfin sauce
  8. they dont have a threadfin shad oil... is the minnow oil the same thing?what does the anise oil smell like? thanx
  9. on the pro cure scents do i want to order the oil,sauce, or butter? thanx
  10. im using lure crafts bubble gum dye....and i have added it when it was hot before and it did clump up so i guess i have to add it before thanx
  11. thanx for all the comments....i might have scorched the plastic but it didnt change the color any and it was a light color....pink(bubble gum) with blue glitter....so i add the color after its cooked? i added to color before ..... wat about the salt? add it before or after?....if this helps im using a microwave and not stove....i will have to order me some of that scent
  12. A: No i dont think i burned it...it looked fine... i would guess that burned plastic would have a brown/black tint to it...this didnt B:Fresh un cooked plastic C:Lure Craft Where can i get this PRO-CURE scent? how much should i use?should i use worm oil for my senkos? i ordered some from lure craft but it wasnt in my box of stuff but they didnt charge me either....so should i reorder some or dont worry about it? thanx
  13. hey ive made a few senkos and they stink really bad.....its smells like the plastic did when i heated it.... how do i get rid of it?....im afraid the fish arent gont like them smelling like .... i was thinking of mixing some garlic lure spray in the next time a make some.... any comment on that? on this first batch i made many were hollow about an inch on the top....know anyway to fix this?i pour till it fills up but they are still doing that.... any tips would be apreciated.... i did catch a fish on the senkos i made.... i think i put to much salt in them because they sink faster than a normal senko thanx
  14. yep thats the one...thanx....anyone have any experience with these buzzbaits... i know i love the buzz baits with two blades
  15. cool....i went to there website before but i cant remember where i saw it...thanx
  16. cool....i went to there website before but i cant remember where i saw it...thanx
  17. thanx but thats not it either
  18. no that wasnt it...this buzz bait actually had 4 individual blades...i cant find it anywhere...i hope somebody knows what im talking about thanx Matt
  19. hey i saw a website somewhere that had 4 and 2 bladed buzzbaits...anyone know where that is? or know anywhere else that has them? thanx
  20. its not a lurecraft mold....it is a mold like dels thats made of aluminum... and i was planning on getting some of the 536 plastic from lurecraft... is this the kind i should get?
  21. hey i have some senko molds coming soon and im new to making lures so wat all do i need? and where should i get it? thanx
  22. well i put a senko in the microwave and heated it about that long and took it out and most of it dried before i could pour it.... are you just supposed to work super fast or am i doing something wrong? thanx
  23. thats a really nice looking lure... would you make on for me? if so how much?do you make any other lures?
  24. but thanx for the website...has some really cool colors
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