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Everything posted by Stumpy041486

  1. thanx....i figured you could but wasnt really sure....now how do you melt them( i new to lure making i know nothing) .... ive read you can microwave them(how long) thanx again
  2. looks ok....but not really wat im looking for...looking for something a little more realistic
  3. hey i was wondering if after your soft plastic have tore up if you can melt them back down and put them in a mold? would this work? thanx
  4. well i would buy it if it was bigger....does lure craft have bigger senko molds? i was looking at dels last night...i would love to have one of those but i cant afford them...i wish he could make one with just one mold instead of 4 or 5(watever it is) and make it cheaper than 100 bux....well im trying the silicone mold thing that was in the tutorial right now..i hope it works thanx
  5. hey i was wondering if anyone has made a crankbait that looks like a bluegill/bream? if so i would like to see it and possibly buy one thanx
  6. hey i would like to make a mold of a senko...how should i go about doing that? thanx Matt
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