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Everything posted by Tubeman

  1. You know, I'm a loser at painting so just imagine what a guy with artistic flair could do (like Matt). I built a 30 x 20 lure making shop 2 years ago with a vent system and I still use a respirator with that stuff. The key is to keep the lids on tight and it won't evaporated too much. If you notice it evaporating, you need to add the some clear base with a bit of thinner. It ain't cheap and it ain't easy to work with at times...but its the cat's a$$ when it all comes together. .
  2. Nice clean professional job...your going places Jim
  3. Lurecrafts Color Tech paint is the answer lads...clear base and add your power pigment, spray on with an airbrush.... the possiblilties are endless
  4. Tubeman

    Table Rock Special

    Man, so many colours so little time. Next stop scale city !!
  5. So true, no ones going to do it for you...so do it yourself and do it with pride. If you choose to copy, then be smart about it and don't tempt fate. The lure business is NO different than any other, if one of your designs sells then be prepared for copycats. Until then, make your money and enjoy life...and go fishing because that's why we all got into this hobby right !
  6. Cad/cam protyping via wax, I never thought about that one. Another great idea !!
  7. Nice work, never thought to carve a master from hard wax . That would be much easier to work with than wood.
  8. Yes I have 10, ck your pm
  9. I think I have 10 of the two cavity 5 1/2" silicone fluke molds from Lurecraft (#425). They retail for 9.45, you can have the lot for 50. plus shipping.
  10. I might depend on your plastisol brand as well...some shrink more than others.
  11. If you can find any, we make them in a 12" version on our Water Wolf Lures website. http://www.canflyfish.com/host/waterwolf/home.asp
  12. Hey Longhorn, you right... Super Hi Lites are usually ment to be used in very small quantities to get a hue or halo effect when used in conjuction with another colour....say like Pumpkinseed needs only a tiny bit Blue Super Hilite to get a nice effect. Transluesent colours like that will take less Hi light powder to get that effect. Opaque colours like Red Shad a (Strawberry 90% Black 10 % mixture) will require much more powder to get the full effect.
  13. Interesting comments, I'll have to see what causes that. My bait to tail angle is slightly less than the Basstrix so I would think it would bend less...obiviously not. It might be because the plastic was softer and or my bait profile is more slender. So much experimenting to do yet lol... As for your tail drip ball, yes I have that problem when I remove the dipper too fast, causing excess plastic to remain on the tail cup...the excess plastic picks the route of least resistance and creates a drip ball rather than running down the body.
  14. I'm thinking Fire Tiger or Citrus Shad will be one I'll attempt soon. Something for stained water or for the Walleye fisherman.
  15. No, just using the tube formula with a bit of softner. I'm waiting on my sample plastisol from MF, they tell me that their regular worm plastic is the ticket for these swimbaits...I'll let y'all know when I finish the testing.
  16. Its a very easy one to copy on pop or resin/silicone.
  17. I've often wondered what a squared off tail works like ?
  18. J/K ...I think I need the dummies handbook for the internet again eh Del Al, if you have a place where you can pop one over 10 on my baits and snap a nice photo you got yourself some baits ...not j/k'in
  19. Jonah, that one's rigged on a 3/8 oz so we could get it deeper and run it at a faster than normal speed. I have a new mold coming next week and the smallest weight I will have is 1/8, it will swim just as nice...just have to go slower to get it deeper. No, no painting, just MF dual colour powder between the layers. I might be when our smaller version is done...what's J/K ?
  20. No, I made them myself...it only took 6 trys to get the right shape...that's R&D for you, spend $$$$ gain $ lol. The hardest part is getting 5 in a row to all align perfectly so that you can dip more than one at a time.
  21. Tubeman

    Swim Baits

    Nice pouring as well ! Swamp Baits is going to become a household name soon !
  22. Definetely Pyrex and Microwave. For small volume or test batches this is the most economical way to go. The worst you can do is scorch a cup, but with practice you'll learn the limitations of the plastisol you are using. Hey Jim, I've got my first batch of MF coming my way next week....I'm converting to the "Church of MF" lol...I hope its all everyone says it is
  23. I know I can't supply for a few weeks, but here's a teaser video we shot on Lake Simcoe 2 weeks ago...check out that wiggle http://www.canflyfish.com/host/bassmagnet/eyecatchervid.asp
  24. We use nothing but Calhoun here, all handpours. When you go to injection, I think you'll find you will have less problems as Calhoun (uncoloured, clear) does turn that ugly tan colour after a few hours in the pot doing handpours. Injection is so fast, I don't think you'll have those problems. No one is cheaper than Calhoun and Al is right about you get what you pay for. In your case though, I dont think it will make a difference in the finished product.
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