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Everything posted by Tubeman

  1. Thanks Richard, Del's dipper is the same as what I use. The dual powders are available at MF plastic. You don't have to use much to get a nice effect.
  2. Hey Del, thats how I've been doing mine and you can create some awesome colour schemes with flip flop power paint. Just use a small sponge to dab it on to the plastic and then dip over it. The powder does not come off in the hot plastic.
  3. Sweet ! are you using super glue for the eyes Jim ?
  4. Hi Patrick, I've tried that. After examining the original Basstrix, I believe its not sprayed as you can rub of the layers of powder pigment. its probably stenciled on to a sheet of thin mylar (or something similar ) and then applied to the bait and rubbed on ??? I donno...thats wht I'm askin'
  5. Nice job ! One question I have is how you do the scales. I've got everything done for mine except for that. Thanks for your help
  6. Hey Jim, nice job. They gave you a large picture as well !
  7. Those colours are really close, who makes them & what are the colour names/numbers ? Looks like Mizmos Erie Green. Probably will contain a mixture if green pumpkin and another shade of green...maybe a little black. Greens are fairly difficult to match exactly.
  8. You can reused RTV silicone. Just cut it up in to small pieces and add it to fresh silicone when pouring a mold. It comes out perfect everytime with no seams or delamination. As long as the new silicone covers the old chunks, it works fine
  9. Tubeman

    Bass Magnet Minnows

    Hi Nil, 5.5" for the paddle tail and 4" for the drop shot minnow. They should work exactly like the original as they are dipped and not a solid hand pour, will field test soon.
  10. Yup, just cut the tail with an xacto blade.
  11. Tubeman

    RB trout....

    Nice colours Jim ! Looks like swimbaits will be the handpourer's choice for 2008
  12. Well, here's my version of what seems to be the up and coming hot swimbait and drop shot minnow. If you can dip a tube, then with some practice you'll be able to dip a swimbait. Hopefully it will sell too lol
  13. Tubeman

    Bass Magnet Minnows

    Here's my first crack at a paddle tail tube style swimbait and a dropshot tube minnow. The process is similar to dipping tubes...experiance is the best teacher
  14. Hey Jim , me too...its a beaver sale at TU I've got 5 to sell and shippings free
  15. Hi, the website is www.ritehete.com
  16. Hey Richard, not really a new idea...just one I have particiapted in here before. Usually everyone sends their baits to one guy, which we would need a volunteer, and they distribute the baits. To make it fair and easier for all, you would send so many baits to cover the total participants...so you would get a variety of baits.
  17. Is there any interest in a lure swap ? Maybe we can add the hard bait guys for more variety
  18. Remember the first lure swap we did perhaps this will get revisited someday ?
  19. No problem, I didn't think bit ch was a censorable word
  20. Yup, its funny till you think about it Del, I used the grinder to form a body last night. That tail section really thins it out, I don't know if Alum would last getting it that thin (still a good idea)...just waiting for my blades now.
  21. Thanks for all your input Chris, I've learned a lot from you. Enjoy the time with your family, I understand how much time is devoted to pouring when you work a full time job as well.
  22. Good idea Del ! Bojon, I'm experimenting with .064 stainless plate to start.
  23. Sorry, I ment to say we use Rite Heat pots for our dipping. We have two 2 1/2 quart Sta Warm pots for our 2 part/open molds. Great pots for all aspects of bottom/gravity pours. Only down fall is the cast aluminium liner which has a slightly rough surface, it is a ##### to get the baked on glitter off at times and the upper 1/4 of the liner tends to brown up if your emptying and not refilling to the top. Other than that its a very reliable pot and it pours a uniform stream...the plastic pulls out easy apart from a little bit of glitter...just need to heat it up a bit and use some WD40 with a plastic scraper. You can also used a wire brush on a drill, although I've been told you can get some fine sand paper and put a mirror finish via wet sanding the liner...I can't seem to find the time too busy pouring...
  24. We use Sta Warm pots for dipping tubes. What did you want to know about them ?
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