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Everything posted by Tubeman

  1. You know, I really curbed my typing on that last post !
  2. Imagine a bit of marabou in the rear cavity...kinda like a chicken feather on a treble tail hook of a top water bait. You guys got to get your spelling down .......it's peac o c k herl lol
  3. Hey, we sell a version of the Hyflex at the retailer where I work. It comes in both Insulated and Non Insulated versions. For you Canucks, Mark's Work Wearhouse sells them.
  4. Yup, looks like you got the hang of it !
  5. Bruce, with an avatar like that I'm sure you'd be the life of the party. Life's too short, have fun while you can ! Hey You can't be all that bad...you live in Belleville too
  6. I think so, they have super soft, regular (worm) and salt water (tube). Really nice plastisol to work with.
  7. Tubeman

    BIG jigs

    Try Shawn Collins at Collin Customs 757-365-4636. I have a few of his custom jig molds and the workmanship is unmatched.
  8. Any leather glove will provide burn protection, you will feel the heat of the plastic...but it won't burn you....unless you get a pile of it on your hand. Insulated gloves are better provided you still have some dexterity. I have a few diff one for diff jobs.
  9. Tubeman

    Table Rock Special

    Dwain, I had a look at your website. Wow you do fantastic work !! Is the Sexy Shad an actual color pattern ?
  10. You hard bait guys have amazing talent. I would put that bait in a display case...its a work of art !
  11. No, I made my own this time. About 320 or so. Basstrix makes a Paddle Tube with their own dipping technique as do I. Mine don't have that string nose because I learned how to dip tubes prior to dipping Swimbaits. To fill in the nose section you will need to let it drip a little on the first 3 dips, the trick is to point the dipper upwards before the drip runs off the nose. This is something you will need to practice, its time consuming to get it down right...but well worth it.
  12. 2 dips to the tail. Usually, stepped in this sequence. 1st is 2/3 up the body, 2nd 3/4 and then 3rd full, 4th full. Salt Water will be really hard once it sets up in a week or so. Try MF Worm, as this is the same stuff Basstrix uses. If not Calhoun will work as well, its' what we use ( a mixture of Tube and Super soft)
  13. Got it Glen, sent you an email
  14. Glen, I'm not sure if your buying Calhoun plastisol. I live 1 1/2 hours from you near Belleville. I sell it in quantites up to 5 gallon pails.
  15. The creative minds of TU at work, very nice ! I like the venting idea, larger runners for better plastisol flow.
  16. Tubeman

    Bass Magnet "Ad Shads"

    Yes, I tried some plastisol from Chemionics (aka 3G) again. Its not the best plastic, pot time is very short. The tails are thin because I was experimenting with pot temps, if the plastisol was hard enough you could get away with a thinner tail for sure. In this case it was too soft and the tails likely fold back. The logo's are printed on a clear label and sprayed with a clear paint prior to dipping.
  17. We use 3D eyes, I like the fatter head.
  18. Cool idea Nil ! I don't think that the injected knock offs will perform like the dipped knock offs Jim is right, the finished won't be anywhere near as detailed and I'll bet they can't do this with their product These are my " Ad Shads "
  19. Tubeman

    Bass Magnet "Ad Shads"

    You know I'll try just about anything....once
  20. Defintely use a dual cartridge respirator with filters designated for organic vapour. If you have ventilation of any kind it will help as well.
  21. If you are using salt and its left outside for a even few hours in humid / damp air, it will soak up moisture.
  22. Robbor, I don't think its cheaper anywhere else. I think Barlow's sells it in smaller quantites. I tested some last week and it is as good as everyone on the boards has said. Not much smell and very clear on initial pours, pot times (the lenght of time the plastisol stays clear while heated) are relevant to the amount of extra heat stabilizer you add. Calhoun, while slightly cloudy in colour will stay clear as long with the proper additives.
  23. Tubeman

    Table Rock Special

    Thanks guys, it's airbrushed, except for the dot. I used a the end of a small drill bit (the end the goes in the drill) and dip a small amount of paint on it, then touch the bait on both sides.
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