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Carolina Slim

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Is it possible to just ship UPS Ground? I would think this is the least expensive method.
  2. Is there anyone on the East Coast selling Calhoun. I like to buy fron Del but the $45 shippong for 5 gallons is a little steep.
  3. Friend wants me to make him some stick baits in Cherry Seed. Anybody got a recipe for this?
  4. I am having trouble pouring clear baits using glitter. I am using Calhoun Plastic and LC glitter and softner. The baits are off color and not clear. Is this something that a heat stabalixer will help? Heating with microwave and using a Del-Mart mold. Thanks for the help.
  5. I know others have experienced air pockets close to the head of the pour on the 5.25 Del Mart Stick mold. What is the trick? Do most of you pour straight down the center of the hole or off to the side and let in "run in" It's happens about 20% of the time. The baits that come out without the air pockets are perfect! Having fun!
  6. Any idea on how to do this with delmart 2 piece stick mold?
  7. Recently saw a Kinami Flash in a Christmas tree color. Anyone have a recipe for this one? Thanks
  8. Carolina Slim


    I will take 10LBs or so. Email me your adress and i will send money to cover shipping to NC. Thanks
  9. Do you get the softner from Calhoun or will the LC work?
  10. Is it the the general consensus that LC has the best colors with the exception of the few that alsworms mentioned for MF? What about the powder vs. the liquid. Does it work just as well
  11. Fireball, How long does it take on a DelMart mold after pouring to remove worms?
  12. New to this forum and looking to get into plastics a little. What is everybody doing for 3-4 inch tube baits. Is there a mold out there or I have seen people refer to dipping. I am a newbie so nothing is too basic. Do you use the same plastic as recomended for the stick worms everybody is talking about. Thanks
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