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Jig Man

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Jig Man last won the day on December 16 2024

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  1. I don’t think there has been a moderator since lpo bought it and Curt Snow left.
  2. I experienced a similar situation with Arky jigs on Table Rock and Bull Shoals lakes. I can’t speak for the ball head because I went for the football jig and use it for bottom contact.
  3. What works for one doesn’t necessarily work for another. I used to make 1000 bucktail jigs per year for one customer. I always used my bobbin, whip finisher, Danvil flat waxed line, and Sally Hansens to seal the deal.
  4. I use just a standard bobbin. There is nothing special about it. I have more than one. I bought them at a local fly shop. I would be hard pressed to get by without one.
  5. I recently did that with my football mold. I put the hook in place, held it with a bit of tape, closed the mold and put it in a bench vice. After squeezing it the hook left an impression. I used a small round file to remove just enough material so that the hook fits. It is still usable for the regular hooks.
  6. When I tie bucktail I do it in sections. Sometimes top and bottom and sometimes top, bottom and both sides depending on how many colors I want to use.
  7. Have you tried putting something in one of the oily bags to see if it will absorb the oil? White rice maybe?
  8. Jig Man

    Skirt Kit

    You must have overlooked it Mark he said upholstery thread. I don’t use glue but can’t help myself, I have to put a little Sally Hansen’s on it.
  9. Thanks for the info. Cadman is sending me a piece. I’m guessing the size. If his fits them I can order some.
  10. Thanks Ted. I’ll be looking for it.
  11. I am modifying a mold and could use a .060 in wire or something close. I’ve looked everywhere I can think of and having no luck. Stainless steel would be a +.
  12. Jig Man


    I followed the directions for the ad blocker. It didn’t work for me on my Ipad.
  13. Jig Man


    If you find out please let us know.
  14. I’d like to know what you do and how it turns out. I’ve been trying to come up with something similar to that for one of my molds. So far my ideas aren’t working. Nothing is staying in place. I couldn’t get rtv to work like I wanted it to and my mod would only be temporary for a special jig with small hooks. I’ve resorted to super glue to hold my trailers. Please report back if you come up with something.
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