When I modify a mold I put the hook where I want it, hold it in place with a piece of masking tape, put the mold in a vice and squeeze it as hard as i can. Sometimes a Dremel is not even needed.
I block all unused sections with RTV silicone.
I am working on a “leggy” stand up jig. It has 2 wires coming out the back. I am having trouble keeping them in the holes.
I used Gorilla epoxy which I had on hand. It didn’t last long. I switched to JB Weld marine epoxy. It lasted a couple of hours.
What’s out there that might work?
Spot on with that info smalljaw. I was given 70# of printers lead a long time ago. I mix small amounts of it to harden my lead. I rarely use soft lead any.
I don’t sell baits but several guys come over and make them. When we demold them we put them in a pan of cold water. After they cool for a while we dry then bag them.
A friend wants to make some stand up shakey head jigs with the wires like the perfection sure hook up jig. I tried rtv silicone and it isn’t going to be durable. I am going to try JB WELD next. What else would you brainiacs suggest? I am wide open.
It probably isn’t the best thing going, however, I have been successfully using powder paint from Harbor Freight for several years. I have 3 or 4 colors of it. I also use Pro-Tech and powder paint from Cadman. I use a fluid bed.