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Jig Man

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Everything posted by Jig Man

  1. Shrink tubing is what I use. It has to be removed while it is still real warm.
  2. If it were mine I would be finding something to coat the inside of the mold to make it slick. Some type of resin like bondo might work.
  3. I’d try injecting slowly and keeping pressure on for 10 seconds or so after it fills.
  4. I have made several. They don’t last very long and are dangerous as a cocked pistol.
  5. Would it do the same if you did the collar placement after the jig was finished or does it have to be done first?
  6. Good tip there Mark. I hope that I can remember that next time I tie some.
  7. Have you looked at fishingskirts.com?
  8. I gave up on the epoxy idea and drilled all the way through the bait and inserted a U shaped wire.
  9. When I modify a mold I put the hook where I want it, hold it in place with a piece of masking tape, put the mold in a vice and squeeze it as hard as i can. Sometimes a Dremel is not even needed. I block all unused sections with RTV silicone.
  10. How much for the hooks?

  11. Thanks I’ve tried that. I could not get it to work.
  12. I am working on a “leggy” stand up jig. It has 2 wires coming out the back. I am having trouble keeping them in the holes. I used Gorilla epoxy which I had on hand. It didn’t last long. I switched to JB Weld marine epoxy. It lasted a couple of hours. What’s out there that might work?
  13. Spot on with that info smalljaw. I was given 70# of printers lead a long time ago. I mix small amounts of it to harden my lead. I rarely use soft lead any.
  14. I don’t sell baits but several guys come over and make them. When we demold them we put them in a pan of cold water. After they cool for a while we dry then bag them.
  15. Brown paper bags, coffee filters, shop vac filters are what I use.
  16. I use Calhoun medium with a touch of hardner.
  17. Jig Man

    Glue ideas

    Thank you for the ideas.
  18. Jig Man

    Glue ideas

    A friend wants to make some stand up shakey head jigs with the wires like the perfection sure hook up jig. I tried rtv silicone and it isn’t going to be durable. I am going to try JB WELD next. What else would you brainiacs suggest? I am wide open.
  19. I found that a fan cools my product too quickly. So I just open the garage door and don’t get directly over the hot plastisol.
  20. I wouldn’t. Hot plastisol and water don’t plat well with each other.
  21. It may be shrinkage. Try injecting slower and keep some pressure for a few seconds. Then over fill the cavity.
  22. My mixes end up some shade of brown. Depending on the shade of gray you might get a smoke by adding some white.
  23. It probably isn’t the best thing going, however, I have been successfully using powder paint from Harbor Freight for several years. I have 3 or 4 colors of it. I also use Pro-Tech and powder paint from Cadman. I use a fluid bed.
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