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Jig Man

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Everything posted by Jig Man

  1. Maybe I was not clear enough. I'm not doing laminates. Those I inject and am done with. I'll try again to explain. I am dipping tubes that I have earlier injected to get a different color on the tails than the body. They weren't dipped on the same day that they were made. The red tubes and the chart. tubes were dipped into black plastisol up to the tail strips. I just did some pbj. The purple showed through the brown even though the brown was almost chocolate.
  2. I have been trying to make some 2 color tubes lately and not been satisfied with the results. I was wondering if putting a clear coat between the colors would keep them from leaking color through. I'm not talking about bleeding just color leaking. I did some red/black and some chart/black and didn't like the results at all.
  3. Jig Man

    Tying With Wire

    I use the wire from an old table saw motor. I have been using it for 15 years and still have hundreds of wires left. For some reason there are 2 sizes of wire in it. Both of them work fine. I do two wraps then pull tight taking the wires 180°. I don't wrap any more than that as it is never going to come up done, I cut the tag ends and fold them down.
  4. Do you have any pics that you can post?
  5. It is butt ugly outside with wind, snow and 16° temp. I want to pour some swirl sticks. I have done some nice ones with solid colors and white but everything else just makes a nasty mess. I just tried red/balck and got yuck. What colors swirl and make nice looking baits?
  6. Mike I wiped them off with a paper towel dampened with Acetone. They look new again.
  7. I tried the bending process a while ago. It worked like a charm. Thanks for the tip gentlemen. It seems like the more paint that is on a pin the easier it is to get off.
  8. My whole purpose of buying them was to mold, paint, and cure with the pin in. That is what I am doing. So what I need to know is how to best clean the afterwards.
  9. I may be a bit confused here. (While curing your pull the pin. Is that before you bake, during or after? I don't understand.
  10. I finally decided to get some teflon pins (thanks Cadman). I have tried them out this morning and scraped paint off a few with my thumb nail. {way easier than the metal ones}. What is the easiest way to clean the pins before reuse?
  11. I've probable made 100 or so. I have lots of wire and bought a mold.
  12. Yes in the weedguard cavities and filled the hook eye holes with it as I drilled new ones to accomocate the flat eye hooks. I decided to go back to fg 30 so I drilled out the jb from the wg slots.
  13. Any members here dealer for them?
  14. When I went from FG30 to a 90# leader I filled in the wg cavity with JB Weld then drilled to the proper size. I recently redrilled to go back to FG 30.
  15. I cover the eye of the jig with pliers when I dip it. Also I never heat it enough for the paint to go on shiny. When it is just warm enough for a dull finish you have a thin coat of paint that won't run when you bake it on. I can't remember the last time I had a jig with paint in the hook eye.
  16. Ted I read that you could do it with heat. I used a propane torch and an ice pick. It did no good at all. That is when I saw some drill bits on my work bench and got the calipers out and found one that matched the pins. 2 minutes later all was well. I wish you luck on your cavity recovery.
  17. I prolly should have between batches but I was kind of pressed for time and wanted to get all of it done this morning. I thought moisture would blow up not just bubble.
  18. Never mind. My brain fired up and I just drilled it out.
  19. I want to go back to the FG 30 in one of my molds that has been modified to take FG 12. There is J B Weld on it and I'd like to use some kind of solvent to loosen it but I don't have a clue as to what? Any ideas?
  20. I have run short of lead ingots so I decided to cast some today since it is cold and windy here in SW MO. I had about 150 # of various scraps (radio active medicine containers,X-Ray room liners, plumbers lead, some wheel weights and a bunch of old pyramid shaped sinkers). I melted them down with my fish cooker in a cast iron pot. The pot had not been used for at least 10 years when I cast some babbit spoons. For about the first hour the lead would bubble up in the middle. Once it even errupted and splashed lead on the floor (glad I was outside at the time). Then it settled down and I had no more bubbles. For a while it looked like my wifes early stages of making gravy. The lead has been in side for 9 years so I haven't a clue as to what made the bubbles. Any ideas??
  21. Now I think we are getting some where. I'll see what I can come up with. Thanks for the ideas guys.
  22. I'm still doing the same old same old. I'd like to come up with something else to hold the tubes besides bread wires. Any ideas will be appreciated.
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