Sorry. I just assumed you were looking for bigger hooks. Is this more like you want?¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid&utm_campaign=17674963590&utm_content=&utm_term=&gadid=&gclid=Cj0KCQjwk7ugBhDIARIsAGuvgPYuhwHUJzFY1jwcTiGz2T_rS55xPrs6DG8h2QnWilNPPLEz-9XMng0aAru3EALw_wcB
Closest thing I could find.
No I just put high temp silicone on the eye cavities to reduce flash which can occur when you use various types of hooks.
I don’t need the keepers so covered the slots.
If you want to make a Midwest finesse mold take about any hook the process is easy. I started grinding mine down then remembered a machine shop about a mile away. I took the mold to them and explained what I wanted done. A guy took it in back and in a few minutes it was done for a cost of $20. I can fit several sizes of 90° jig hooks in it as well as the new Victory Midwest finesse hooks as well as the similar ones from VMC that I use with that head for shaky. I don’t like the keeper so I put high temp silicone in the slots.
I recently changed hooks in one of my molds. This makes the gap between the pin and the hook too small to easily fit on the rack in my toaster oven. I only need to take off about half a inch and I want a clean cut. I can’t figure out what to use.
I was working with high school fishing team kids making baits. I ordered an extra 5 gallons of Calhoun’s medium plastisol. Before we got into it those kids graduated and the coach quit. I don’t have the contact anymore so I have more than a lifetime supply. I don’t know how to ship it so I’m hoping someone within driving distance of Springfield MO needs some. If any of are interested let me know and we’ll see if we can work something out.
When I had a poison tail mold I had a lot of trouble getting it to pour well. I polished some of the cavities and added Frankfort Arsenal Drop out. I only poured one cavity at a time. On the half ounce I had to “crack” the mold. I used a penny wrapper from the bank. I got some flash but did get complete pours. Someone else owns it now.