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  1. Looks good....I kept waiting for the explosion...it's a good thing I'm not a fish....cause I'd be in the frying pan.
  2. I use 1/4" masking tape...use just enough to make two or three wraps around the eye...then base, paint and clear. After it dries run a dull pocket knife around the tape edge and pull. The taping takes a little time but it's worth it. I clearcoat with Devcon and have done this with screw eyes, stainless and brass hangers without any problems.
  3. I use the lacquer taxidermy paint from VanDykes....it comes ready to spray and I haven't had any problems using under Devcon.
  4. I use acrylic craft paint and a 1/4" wooden dowl to dot eyes. You can use a pencil sharpener to make the right size for any lures eye or shad dot. Give it a try. Tuff-Tackle
  5. Skeeter, I'm not sure how much pressure it's taking.....I use a hydraulic jack. BlackJack, Send me a small piece of the circuit board we'll see what it does. Tuff-Tackle
  6. Skeeter, You can probably get an idea how everything works by looking at these. Tuff-Tackle
  7. That's right....I'll try and post a picture of it tomorrow. Tuff-Tackle
  8. The shoe is what holds the two die halfes so they stay in perfect alignment....then the shoe goes in the press. Tuff-Tackle
  9. I've got dies for three different lips that stamp 1/16th lexan. They work really well but cost alot to have made. I've got $1150 in three sets of dies and two die shoes....not counting hydraulic press. Tuff-Tackle
  10. I use brass wire on my lures and haven't had any problems. You don't need a sharp knife nor does it take alot of pressure to trim. Tuff-Tackle
  11. Tbait, I use a pocket knife to trim the epoxy around the tape edge and pull the tape off. If any of the epoxy gets under the tape it will only be in the eye of the hanger and will push out with ease. Tuff-Tackle
  12. Tbait, A few wraps of 1/4" masking tape works good on hook hangers to keep paint and epoxy off. Tuff-Tackle
  13. JerkBait, Did you notice anything funny about those Smoo's??? They didn't have any line tie's. Tuff-Tackle
  14. Tuff-Tackle

    Wedge Lip

    One reason the price is so high on that lure is Bagley only made the "Wedge Lip" for one year...1978
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