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benton B

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Everything posted by benton B

  1. gravity feed IMHO, I will never go back to a siphon feed again. Use less paint and very easy clean up.
  2. try flash drying with a hot hairdryer. Why did you use glass clearner to thin the c-tex?
  3. I seal with super glue two coats, sanding in between the coats. Then 2 dips in polyurathane, baits are smooth.
  4. benton B

    Flatside UL crankbaits

    I like the change in the lip on that little bait, looks very fishy to me. Nice work as always.
  5. benton B

    light action

    some smaller light action balsa baits
  6. here are several batches of baits finished for x-mas
  7. here are several batches of baits finished for x-mas
  8. here are several batches of baits finished for x-mas
  9. I'm in love with wildlife colors by smith paint. You can order from WASCO. You can do some really cool stuff with transp. colors on clear plastic.
  10. benton B

    2" UL crankbait

    Great work John, everytime you post a pic of that model I drool.
  11. I use a small kerosene heater in my shop and it keeps the place nice and warm. You will need some ventilation, I crack the window about 3 inches. Draw back is orderless kerosene is 9.00 bucks a gallon, that equals about 8hrs run time.
  12. benton B

    balsa baits

    Here are some ul baits, a little jointed cranker, and some slim thins
  13. benton B

    balsa baits

    Here are some ul baits, a little jointed cranker, and some slim thins
  14. benton B

    balsa baits

    Here are some ul baits, a little jointed cranker, and some slim thins
  15. I always hit the paint with a hair dryer, set on low air + high heat.
  16. I'd almost bet money that's a copy of a zoom wobbler. It's a little taller and longer which happens when you make a copy of a bait on a copy machine. Is the original zoom bait in the pic in the chocolate shad pattern?
  17. a small piece of 24-26gage wire is the only I've found to clean the nozzle. I use a small brush to clean the inside of the brush. Dixie art has a brush set for cleaning.
  18. I've never heard/seen of bait that Mr. Chambers made without his name on it. My guess is that it's a copy someone has made.
  19. go buy 1 and put it on a copy machine to get a profile and get to carving. take the lip out of the bought bait to match for the new hand made bait.
  20. benton B

    My first post

    Greaux Tigers, cool bait.
  21. I use a hole punches of different sizes and black vinyle.
  22. benton B

    How long?

    I turn my baits for 1-2hrs and then hang to cure.
  23. Devcon does not yellow due to UV light, it has a low tolerance to heat. It will start to loose it's bond at about 225 degrees and that is what causes it turn yellow. Never use it to put golf clubs together because it just won't hold.
  24. dockboy, I don't want to be negative but I have to agree with Bob. You are going to have a real hard time weighting those bodies enough to get down to 15 feet. To be honest I don't think it will possible to get that small balsa bait down that deep at all. You may want to try a cedar or poplar. I would suggest that you start by trying to make some shallow divers first. Progress to the deep divers after you have built up your knowledge base on how a crank bait works.
  25. rjbass, I just hate the idea of learning all the little tricks to make a new top coat look right. I very rarley run into a problem with devcon any more.
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