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benton B

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Everything posted by benton B

  1. benton B

    My First Try at Fat Baits

    See them fat baits are not that hard to make, just takes a little extra time. Nice job there Ron.
  2. Dean, you da man! Ron I can't believe he's sending that bait to you, I'm jealous of course.
  3. benton B

    Deep to Shallow

    The shallow baits are fat and wobble, the deep baits are getting great reviews. Thanks for the kind words.
  4. benton B

    couple of jerk baits

    It is a shallow diver, run at approx 2 feet.
  5. benton B

    Deep to Shallow

    All these baits are round wobblers.
  6. benton B

    couple of jerk baits

    6 inch and 5 inch jerk baits
  7. Vodkaman, you're talking to one of the guys that builds by trial and error or sometimes lots of errors. I'm not the guy for test and measurements, I wormed out of physics class for human biology. That's why I asked the question here. I know from the number of baits I've tested there are differences in the rise rates between cold and warm water. From my limited experience baits rise slower in cold water and that's what I'm trying to figure out. Bobp I only use braid and that line floats. I do thank you fellas for your posts and wisdom. I think I'll just build baits and not worry about what makes them work, just as long as they work.
  8. I should have asked my question differently. I have a LC pointer that I can't figure out why the darn thing sinks in the winter and floats in the summer. But it sinks faster in the cold water than it rises in the warm water. I know somewhere in the middle it will suspend, but I thought the higher density of cold water should make it float. Is that about as clear as mud?
  9. If you have a bait that rises slowly in 70 degree water, will that same bait slowly sink in 50 degree water?
  10. benton B

  11. benton B

    Thanks fellas, I'm finally getting the hang of painting. Ron, it's orichard yellow over pearl white with transp iron oxide misted. Hookers green for the splatter. The glitter was tough, cleared 2/3 of the bait from bottom up and then mixed the glitter and coated the top. The glitter moves as the epoxy levels out, a little goes a long way.
  12. If you are using med to heavy grade balsa wood a twisted wire line tie will not pull out, not by a bass any way. A friend just sent me a pic of a 25lb drum with 1 of my baits hanging out of it's mouth. I did a crude test by hanging one of baits and putting all of my 265 on the rope, bait broke in half hangers still in place. Like Dean said, it's pretty much to each his own.
  13. Ron that is awesome, I may start sending my baits to you:)
  14. great looking bait, love the foil wish I could do it.
  15. benton B

    shallow and mid depth

    Here are a few shallow and mid depth cranks, flat side and semi round bodies.
  16. benton B

    shallow and mid depth

    Here are a few shallow and mid depth cranks, flat side and semi round bodies.
  17. I vote for the wildlife colors from Smith Paint, best paint I've used. Never need to thin, just pour and shoot.
  18. I have the eclipse BS and can spray everything but the heaviest pearls, love that little brush. Dixie Art has the best prices on the web + free shipping.
  19. benton B

    5 inch swim bait

    Thanks Dean, from you that means alot. I tested in the pool next door without hooks, very smoot swimming action with a depth of about 6 inches.
  20. benton B

    5 inch swim bait

    Here is my first try at a jointed swim bait.
  21. I use cotter pins for my joints and I install one set in the head section and put screw eyes in the tail. Paint and clear coat, remove the screw eyes and drill out the hole and install the cotter pins in the rear section. I don't have any issues with epoxy in joint. Now it is a slight pain trying to hold the front half with dangling cotter pins full of epoxy and then hitting 1/16" holes. But this works for me.
  22. Wildlife colors by Smith Paint or WASCO, waterbased and no thinning needed.
  23. Wasco taxidermy supply has a great selection of flip-flops
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