Sounds like a 14 day per week "JOB" to me. Be prepared to be married to it. If you tackle it, you'll have to hire a couple people to help you out. Can't do it all your self.
Keep your eye's and mind on task at hand.
ALWAYS wear gloves. Safety glasses.
Have plenty of room. Don't be cramped into a small space.
Keep a bucket of water close in case you get some hot plastic on you.
I keep my plastic in 5 gal buckets. Usually buy a 55 gal drum at a time. During the cold months it will settle out and I just take the lid off and use a paint mixer on a drill. Takes a while to get it mixed, but it will mix.
I use a heat gun to warm the top layer of plastic and then pour another layer. A swimbait that has developed an uneven/depression from cooling can be filled in this manner.