I am looking at this very thing. Shop around for pricing.
I have located someone to build a woodframe cathedral celing 12 x 24 x 7, on skids, onsite for under $3500. Everything on16" centers. It will cost me another $1200 to have it spray-foam insulated with 1"closed-cell.
Should be able to heat it from the melted plastic.
I am figuring another $300 to wire it with 200 amp service.
Will set my own electric pole and have electric company drop to my tie in and hang a meter. This way I can tell just how much I use.
Plan to finish off the inside and hang pegboard. I have guys come over for a specific bait right now and have to dig through rubbermaids to find it.
Will have a partician at 7'. 1 walk-in door and 1 window. An exhaust fan that will move the air out through a 8" vent. Looking at around $6000 for it, and it can be moved to another location.