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Everything posted by IBHUFFY1

  1. I am looking at this very thing. Shop around for pricing. I have located someone to build a woodframe cathedral celing 12 x 24 x 7, on skids, onsite for under $3500. Everything on16" centers. It will cost me another $1200 to have it spray-foam insulated with 1"closed-cell. Should be able to heat it from the melted plastic. I am figuring another $300 to wire it with 200 amp service. Will set my own electric pole and have electric company drop to my tie in and hang a meter. This way I can tell just how much I use. Plan to finish off the inside and hang pegboard. I have guys come over for a specific bait right now and have to dig through rubbermaids to find it. Will have a partician at 7'. 1 walk-in door and 1 window. An exhaust fan that will move the air out through a 8" vent. Looking at around $6000 for it, and it can be moved to another location.

    712 Craw

    Looking for a 712 Craw from Basstackle. Would like a 10 cavity if someone has one. Have a few molds to trade for the right mold.
  3. Well a record player goes round and round.....
  4. About the closest you will find. http://retail.ultramolds.com/product/twin-injectors/
  5. How about a motor out of a paper shredder?
  6. Check your local bakery, doughnut, bread shop too. Most use a Bakers salt which is powered.
  7. Steve, Just order the presto online and have it shipped site to store. Free shipping and you can pick it up at the Walmart you choose to have it shipped to. As far as another alternative, you could always build your own out of a paint pot and use a band heater,but you will have much more $$$ tied up in it. And you will have to have a heat controller. http://www.harborfreight.com/catalogsearch/result?q=paint+pot
  8. Was cruising the ole WWW and came upon this website. Anyone tried this as an option? www.gluemachinery.com/product/economelt-10
  9. Ever have a bait that got a little bit of gasoline fumes on it? The smell lasts forever. Same with quality scents. The oil based will last for-ever. Water based will wash off.
  10. Side injection/ not so good on the laminate End injection/ good on the laminate I had mine machined from side to end injection and it helped a lot. You just have to make you get your temps right. Within 10 degrees of each other. Inject slowly. If you get one hotter than the other you will get a mottled mix.
  11. So Bob, Do you have one of the 18 cavity injection molds for sale? ;>]
  12. http://www.basstackle.com/152_Drop_Shot_Worm_p/152-1-6.htm
  13. How are you heating? How hot are you getting it temp wise? Heat is your enemy on clear. Stirring will help also.
  14. Hold pressure on the injector for about 10 seconds after filling the cavity.
  15. IBHUFFY1

    BassTackle 159 Worm

    Anyone have a Basstackle 159 Worm mold for sale?
  16. And what ever route you take, the best investment you can make is a good respirator. Always wear it, a long sleeve shirt, and gloves. An ounce of prevention is worth a million bucks.
  17. I'm with Frank on this. Shoot it a little cooler than you are now. Hold pressure for a few seconds. And make sure you top off the sprue. I shoot this mold a lot and had to find the sweet spot in temp. Different colors shoot different at different temps. The more appendages the more attention you have to pay to pressure. I have a mold that I really have to hold the pressure on for this reason. The flappers will dent on the side because they cool from the outside in and it pulls plastic into the middle.
  18. If you had to pick your top 8 plastic colors, what would they be. Looking for solid colors. Mine: Watermelon Green Pumpkin Tellow Red Brown Orange White Black I think you could pretty much cover the spectrum with these.
  19. Might try asking this in the Wire-baits section. http://www.tackleunderground.com/community/topic/25395-what-is-the-best-spinnerbuzzbait-tool/
  20. Looking for a single or maybe a couple of the Bob's 4" Swimbait molds.
  21. Why not just block off the injection port for the middle cavity, flip the mold over, and cut a second injection port? You would have to wait till the first round cooled, then shoot the second. but it would work.
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