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Everything posted by IBHUFFY1

  1. Looks like I'll be placing an order soon with Matt. Spawn starts soon here..
  2. Just thought that someone might have made a mold to pour some. Man they look awsome and will probably work really well on bed fish..
  3. Anyone pouring one of these or anything comparable to it? http://www.tacklewarehouse.com/descpageSWMMATT-MLUBG.html#
  4. Injection molds are generally water cooled with a 30-90 second cycle time, depending on the amount of plastic to be cooled. Depending on the injection machine, they can range from 12"X18" to 24"X36" and be in the vacinity of 4" thick. Check out Garst Lure Design. He designs molds for some of the biggest in the industry. Design costs and final cut of a mold can run upwards of $15,000 or more depending what you want and just how much you want to spend. Something else to consider is when injecting salt, you are wearing away the mold, much the same as using an abbrasive. I have a few contact that cut molds for customers.
  5. Anyone have a website for Calhoun Plastic's :
  6. Thanks Chris, Now another : . On a two part senko style mold made of aluminum, hand pouring, is it better to warm the mold before pouring or have it cool. Have been trying to pour some 5" worms and cannot sem to get them to completly fill the mold. Either come out with somewhat of a hollow center or not completly filled . Any pointers? Brian
  7. Anyone have a close copy to the Berkley scent they would like to share :
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