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Everything posted by mangeboy79

  1. 4. change the center of weight
  2. i would try useing a really heavy rear hook and see if that dont get it started..
  3. no it dont work. the cups dosent dissolve in acetone they melt but they dont dissolve...
  4. i got a 7rpm motor will this work? or should i try to get it down to 5rpm?
  5. great looking pike its beautifull i have some thing simillar that needs a second coate of e-tex.
  6. i made a egg sinker mold today that came out fine. i used gungrease as release agent! got allot of ides how to use bondo from this post. thanks husky!
  7. Thank you shawn. I have some more questions 1.It seems like the density can vary a bit depending how mutch you allow airbubbles in the plastic to expand is it hard to keep the same density on all the baits from one mold? 2.what clay shold i use when i make the mold? i heard some can react with the sillicone! 3.its sensitive to thinner?
  8. Hi guys lurebuilding is my religon and i feal a bit lost so i turn to you for some guidens:) 1 what material do you guys use to make the prototype? 2 is the density of featherlight like balsa or hevier? 3 is featherlight strong enought to glue a screw eye in? 4 how do you build 2-piece mold for jointed lures? 5 is featherlight sensitive to aceton?
  9. i used to soak my pike baits in boiled linseed oil and terpentine 50/50 mix but i experienst some problems with same wood bodies soaking up different amounts of oil = different weight. and some baits the oil leaking out causing bubbles in the topcoat. had any of these problems? now i use 2-4 coats of e-tex and im about to start useing propionte plastic as a primer just to be on the safe side! pikes rarely chew through 3 coats of e-tex.
  10. the site was www.muskyshop.com and i think its the diameter of the eye?
  11. i were looking at screw eyes at musky shop and the diameter was given in some to me strange scale. the numbers were 154; and 105; can some one tell me what this is in millimeters?
  12. i think skeeter is right. undercoat didnt stick = trapt air + hotsun = expanding trapt air = blister. samething happend to me:(
  13. if i make lures of fetherlight can i use screweyes? or is a wire through construction?
  14. what sillicon should i use for making lure molds? lookt at smoothon but there are so many types!
  15. nice looks more like a wally to me!
  16. cool lure. the pikes here in sweden would love to put there teeth in that one! how did you attach the legs?
  17. thanks guys featerlight seems like a good a good alternativ! can polyurthane foams be used??is to weak or does it stick to the mold?
  18. i have been making my own carnks and jerkbaits for the past 14 years . have in the past tried making sillicon mold for crankbaits. i know how to do that!! the plastic to fill my mold is my problem. i have been using a 2 component plastic with some filler material. the result was a solid sinking plastic crank with poor preformence. what im lookig for is a plastic that gives me a solid floating plastic body. that i can weight with led. does any body have any tips on material,web pages with info about molding ????
  19. nice looking trout im in to that style of bait right now. curently working on 10`` pike with fins .
  20. is there a plastic to use in molds to make floating crankbaits/jerkbaits?
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