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  1. I received a 4-bait order for refinishing from one of my customers and I am looking for some advice on what prism tape to use. I thought that I had read a while back on this board about a new manufacturer of prism tape out there that was producing a thinner, more user friendly tape to be applied to musky baits. Any help that you folks can lend is greatly appreciated. THINK SPRING!!!!!!!!!!
  2. I get mine from Wolverine Tackle, and I dont believe you will have any trouble buying them in any quantity. Great rings, very strong, and they are triple wound. I think the website is www.wolverinetackle.com, not sure though.
  3. Hi Monty, I have had some good success with using enamel paints, then baking the finish on after I have shot them with color. It seems to hold up rather well. At least the company that I am painting for hasnt had any problems reported back to me about their spinner blades. Just my two cents worth.
  4. Hi folks, A special thanks to the-bass-catcher, and Carolina Chip. I tried the "blue eye" painting, and WOW, was I glad I did. Thanks bass-catcher. I also picked up some Eagle-1 spray polish to get my baits ready for the upcoming show in 3 days, and it worked GREAT! Thanks carolina chip! Here is a pic of the bait I did tried with the blue eyes. Now if it really atracts muskies, I will be even happier! Take care all, and thanks again!
  5. Ok, one more try for the attachment. Sorry about that folks.
  6. Great tip BC, thanks for sharing that. I may have to give that a try soon. I have been using the chameleon paints for about a month now. I am by far and away no expert, but so far I like them a lot. Make sure though that you dry them before coating!! Trust me on this, thats why I have a heat gun next to the spray booth. Attached is a pic (not great, but it should give you an idea) of a musky bait I am working on using Createx Auto Air Chameleon paint. Have a safe and happy New Years celebration all!
  7. Happy New Year to all! Does anyone have any advice on how to fix/repair small defects in the top coating? I have a couple of baits ready to package when I noticed that there was a bubble or two in the finish, and I dont want to recoat the entire bait. These minor defects occured in both Devcon & Flex Coat baits. Thanks for any help or tips you folks can supply.
  8. I have some older baits that I want to repaint. Most are plastic body with some sort of clear coat (auto-urethance, or epoxy, not sure) If I sand the exterior of the bait with an something abrasive (sand paper,etc) can I then shoot the bait with some primer and prepare it for painting? Do I need to sand the bait down to the original plastic? Thanks for all your help during the year folks!! Have a great holiday season!
  9. I hope everyone on the board has a GREAT holiday season!!!!! I have my first Muskie Show coming up in the next month and I would like to know what you guys recommend for shining up the baits I will have on display? Wiping off fingerprints, etc? Also, I have clear acrlic shelving, what is best to use for cleaning them up? Regular old Windex or ammonia type glass cleaner? Thanks for all your help throughout the year folks!
  10. Hello Skeeter, Thanks for helping out. OK here goes, 1) The baits are plastic (from a major manufacturer in the muskie tackle ind.) 2) No sealer needed 3) One of the baits comes to me already primed (dont know what they used) the other I shot with a new product made escpecially for plastic. I let them dry for at least 24 hours before I begin to paint them. 4) It has happened with both Devcon & Flex Coat 5) Yes all paints are acrylic. Let me ask this Skeeter, do you and possibly most of the other craftsmen let your baits dry (say for a day or more) before you top coat them? What I have been doing is shooting them immediately after painting with a gloss enamel. Drying it with a heat gun, then top coating immediately afterward. Do you think maybe the paint isnt dry enough? Thanks for you help.
  11. Has anyone else ever encountered this situation. Some times (Devcon or Flex-Coat) my top coat doesnt seam to adhere to the bait. Example: I recently finished a bait, and 3 days later I had noticed that too much top coating material had gathered around the hook eye. As I was trimming off the excess (with an Exacto knife) I noticed that at one point I could lift a small portion of the top coating material, just like a thin sheet of ice looks when you scrape your windows. Any help from you gents woudl be appreciated. Also, I spray a coat of Gloss Enamel on my baits prior to top coating. This was a recomendation from the folks at Flex Coat to help the coating from peeling. Should I be spraying my baits with something else prior to top coating? HISTORY: All baits primed All baits painted with Acrylic paint (Createx, Testors, etc.) Top coating material: Devcon or Flex Coat. Thanks in advance for any help.
  12. First off, a very happy "Thanksgiving" to all! I am looking for Rapala blanks (unpainted, but primed and ready for paint.) Only one in particular and that is the SSR-14's Super Shad Rap's. I have many customers that have had success using these baits for muskies. I have tried to contact Rapala through their website, but no contact info was available. If anyone can help that would be great!
  13. Hello all, A quick comment on one of my previous posts. Crystal Sheen, so far so good. You folks were right:a little like Flex Coat, but seems to be harder when dry. Still experimenting, but I like what I see so far. I would like to hear (e-mail preferably) from any of you guys that make top water wooden (plastic also) muskie baits. I have had some interest from some of my customers that are looking for top water musky baits. The manufacturers I have contacted so far in the main stream musky world do not sell blanks to the general public or private painters like my self. I am looking to stock some baits. I would be happy to give more details, just e-mail me. Thanks all! Mike G. www.twobrits2@att.net (630) 917-1881
  14. I am using Crystal Sheen for the first time and I was wondering how long the rest of you users wait until you apply the next coat of it? Do you wipe down the bait with Acetone first? Thanks to all for your help.
  15. xllund

    Crystal Sheen

    Thanks guys for all your input. I e-mailed ETI and they got back to me with a local distributor promptly. I am going to give this product a try and I will be sure to post my findings. Thanks again! Does winter really have to exist!!!!!!!
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