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Everything posted by capecodsmallie

  1. Senkosam, Good for you :!: It looks great. Keep at it.
  2. Hey, thanks guys. I do have that mf color. I'll give it a try with some black smoke. I had a feeling that's what it is, hence the name.Just wanted to make sure. Sometimes pictures can be deceiving.
  3. HAs anyone tried to make this color? I've only seen pictures of it. Looks interesting
  4. Do a search for popcorn salt on google. You might be able to find something. I did a search a lomg time ago and found a place that sold it in gallons. Honestly can't remember what the site was. It was cheap.
  5. I went throught some bags of baits I have to try and see if there was a company name on the bags. I didn't find any. Does anyone have an idea where some of the bigger companies might get there bags done? For example:Bass Pro Shop,Slider,and Iovino were some of the bags I was looking at. They have a seem on the sides and a re-sealable top. I like the fact that the bags have a print on them versus a sticker. I can't seem to find any info on where I might find these types of bags. Thanks for any help.
  6. I can second the motor oil that nova posted. I tried it the other night with a little modification to it. Came out great.
  7. Tristan, Thanks. I'm not sure if that's the mold or not. It's hard to tell without actually having the mold in front of you. Chirmy, I'd like to see a picture ifit's possible.
  8. I was pouring some worms with a nice transparent blue color with some flake. I used a cup of plastic in a lee pot. After about 35 worms the color started changing to more of a smoke with green tint. Not sure if I didn't mix the color enough or if the heat from the pot caused the color to change. I know the plastic starts to liquify even more once it gets daown to a quarter of the pot if left at the same temp. It stars to smoke a little more too. I'm using heat stabilizer. Any idea what the problem might be? I poured the color in the plastic after it turned into a clear gel.Maybe I'll put the color in before I heat the plastic to see if the color stays consistent. Thanks for any advice
  9. Siebler, It's doesn't look much like a sluggo. It's a little dropshot bait about 3 inches long. they also make a good trout worm. It must be a custom mold that they have.
  10. Alsworms, thanks for the reply.
  11. Is green weenie a one color pour or a two color pour or can it be either one? Where did that color and the term green weenie originate from?
  12. I'm having a problem with one of my lee pots. I have 2 total.One works fine but the other one hasn't been so great for the last few weeks. It worked alright at first but now it seems to be burning the palstic when it's on 2. The Plastic turns to water on 2 and then I start getting these brown flakes in the plastic that look like minature sugar smacks or something. At first I thought it might be the pot. I've cleaned the pot inside and out 3 times and it's still happening. I figure it must be the heating element. After it turns to liquid it takes a while to harden back up to a paste on the 2 setting.By then the plastic is burnt (if that's what those flakes are). Is there anything that I can do to fix it or is it time for a new pot. Also, are there any other plastic production pots out on the market besides Lee?
  13. FNF, I still can't figure it. I guess the plastic was so haot it was like water. When I went to stir I had my head right over the pot and the plastic splattered.LOL
  14. Man! glad to hear you're ok. Definitely want to be careful with your eyes. One of the first pours I did using plastisol I was stirring it too fast and ended up getting it on my forehead.Luckily I wear glasses or it would have gotten into my eyes. Instead I just have a weird looking birthmark on my forehead.
  15. If yammie and co. make their own then I guess berkley,zoom,and others probably make their own too. I'm surprised. I figured that they had their baits made for them by a plastics company.
  16. Just curious as to how some of the bait companys get their baits. I know their injection mold baits but who actually makes the baits? The company, or do they go through a plastic company for their baits. If a plastic company does it how many plastic companys are actually making baits? Thanks
  17. Some colors look really good right out of the bottle without adding any flake. What colors do you like to leave alone? I just got done with violet grape and it looks nice just by itself.
  18. does anyone know if there's a mold for the magic worm fidget bait? I think roboworm uses the bait but calls it something else.It's a 3 1/2" dropshot type bait. thanks
  19. I started a couple of months ago. I've been pouring almost every day since. Just can't seem to stop. The money savings is the furthest thing from my mind. I just want to be able to do pours as well as some of the other people on this board. I did go to a fishing expo this past weekend as an exhibitor for a company that I rep. I brought some of my baits and ended up selling a half dozen bags. Plus I had a bucket of "seconds" that I sold for 10cents each.I sold about 4-5 dollars worth of those. It's all about having fun for me. More of a hobby, but if I can make a couple of bucks here and there to put back into the plastics then great!
  20. Earthworm, This is a little of subject but I wondered if you can use the scented wormoil that m-f sells. I clean my pots with non-scented wormoil but I didn't know if you can actually cook scented wormoil in with the plastisol or not.I haven't tried it and didn't know if any of you have.
  21. Hey guys, I'm looking to find(with not much success)bulk quanity of dropshot weights and hooks and bullet weights and glass beads. The weights I was hoping to find in brass but lead will do if brass isn't available. I was also looking for some worm hooks in sizes 2,1,1/0 in bulk,but I think I may have found some. Thanks Duh! I forgot to mention I was looking for mojo(finesse)weights and the peg-it's to go with it.
  22. I received a catalog from the local community college for some adult education classess. There was a course for fly tying. It had me thinking that it would be great if there was a class for soft plastics. I'm way too much of a novice to attempt teaching a class,but I was thinking it would be a way for some of you "pro" pourers out there to make a little extra money and teach some people how to make soft plastic baits. Seems like there are people out there that would love to get a "hands-on experience from an expert maker. Just an idea I thought I would share.
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