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Everything posted by lurecarver23

  1. Hello, Great post. How and what do you use to polish the mold? Also where do you get your supplies(the polyetholene and mold supplies) and what was the mold made of? Excellent information!!! Thanks
  2. Did you hand paint those eyes because they look perfect. Awesome job. Also how did you paint the stripes that circle the body? Thanks
  3. Hey, How many of you guys have tried starting a business to sell your lures? How do you sell them? I have thought about ebay but don't know if there is alot of interest for handcarved lures on ebay. Or do most of you just sell them to friends and locals. I was just wondering how you set up your business and if it is worth the trouble? I hope that someone can give me a little insight on how the process works. Thanks
  4. Beautiful restoration. I love it, you did an awesome job.
  5. Kraw, Are the sides ribbed to create sonic vibrations in the water that attract fish? Have you tryied the lure yet and do you think that the ribbed sides work? I was just wondering what your opinion was. Thanks
  6. I tried the cheap split rind pliers too and found them to be worthless. I went out and bought a pair of Rapala pliers and I have had no problem since. If you spend the extra money then you'll save yourself the headaches.
  7. Hi, What are some of the first things that I should get in order to start making plastic worms and where do I get them? Thanks
  8. Hey guys, This is the most informative and awesome website ever! It is great to see so many people want to help others with the problems that they have with one of their favorite hobbies. Thanks alot for all the wonderful information and help. I put up a couple pictures of the lures that I just finished. I'm 17 years old and love to fish and carve lures. I hope you like them. When I started to find information on lure making I was making them through trial and error but thanks o this website my lures are alot better and I've learned many good trick and tips. Thanks alot!
  9. I use Elmers Wood filler it is pretty cheap and it can be sanded very smooth. You can find it at stores like Menards, Home Depot and so on.
  10. Can you buy flexcoat in hardware stores or at Menrads.
  11. When carving a realistic lure with the fins on it, how much do these fins effect the action of the lure? Do the fins cause the lure to glide more or what? Does anyone have problems with fins such as dorsal fins and anal fins?
  12. Hey I just finished a few lures and have been letting them dry for about a week. Well last night I when to apply a 2 part epoxy to them. The paint began to run and to blend into the other paints and the signature that I had put on it slowly bleeded away into a brown smudge. What is happening to the paint and what would be a better product? All the other lures that I applied the finished too did a simliar thing but wasnt as bad. Also is anyone familiar with the way Rapala finishes their lures? The 2 part epoxy isnt as hard as i wanted it to be. I'm pretty frustrated now with the stuff. Any hints or pointers. Thanks!
  13. I make my own stencils to paint my lures. Craft stores sell a clear sheets of a mylar material used for quilting blocks or something like that. The plastic is pretty flexible. I lay the clear palstic over a pattern that I've drawn and trace it onto tthe plastic with pencil. Then is cut it with an exacto knife on a self healing cutting broad. When you paint the lure the paint can be wipe off the plastic afterwards. You can make very small stencils with the plastic and it can be used forever.
  14. Ledendary lures and others, Where do you get your boxes for your lures made. I'm looking for a company that sells the cardbroad or a wooden box. Thanks
  15. Hi, I have a small falls inch minnow that is fairly old. Is anyone familiar with this bait? Well anyway one on the hooks got caught in some clothing and broke. The hooks are size 14 nickle plated trebles, does anyone know where I can find this size hook? Thanks
  16. lurecarver23


    I use 1/2 inch long screw eyes in basswood. Once the screw eyes are in the wood and glue in they arent going anywhere. Basswood floats well and is tough. Screw eyes are a lot easier to attach than putting a through wire in the lure.
  17. Thanks a whole bunch ledgendary. That was very helpful I'll go and try it out. Thanks
  18. Hi everyone, i was wondering if someone could help me find out where i can buy glass eyes, such as the ones use in older fishing lures. If anyone can help me out it would be helpful. Thanks
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