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Everything posted by Monty

  1. anyone use golden airbrush paints before? http://www.artsupply.com/golden/airbrushcolors.htm monty
  2. has any one used auto paint to paint spoons, colorado blades, and or jigs with? if have how well did it hold up? i would like to use them if they really work well and hold up well. monty
  3. Ohio mike, ever think of making that clear plastic mold and things needed to make the plastic tubes and sell them as a kit? monty
  4. Hey Mac10, sounds cool! Can Ya show us some pics? monty
  5. Monty

    fly vise help

    Can all you fly tyers help me? i am new to fly tying and i have a non rotating vise. I would like to get some info on rotating vises. Which one do you prefer, where can i buy it, the cost, ect. thanks you guys are great :!: :!: :!: Monty
  6. Mike, what type of clear plastic did you use? and where can a guy get the plastic sheets from? home depot? lowes? menards? how dou you keep the 2 peice molds together? your idea soulds great :!: monty
  7. big splash, i do use flex-floss, and some flashabou as well in them. i put these materials fisrt then tye the marabou on top of them. would it work better if i reversed the steps? monty
  8. going to make more for some in-line spinners, trolling spoons for now! lol
  9. Monty

    rabbit fur

    thanks deadlystreamer. my father in-law is from your neck of the woods and he raises them for food. its better than chicken, LOL! he kills about 50 to 100 rabbits a year just for food. thats alot of pelts to just see go to waste. i am not a fly tyer by any means but would like to learn, so i am going to give it a try. thanks a millon, monty
  10. Monty

    rabbit fur

    my father in-law raises rabbits, "califorinans, and checked giants". there pelts are a lot nicer and prettier than the avg. cottontails. when he cleans the rabbits he discards the pelts because he has so many and he dont have a use for them. My question is how would i prepare the pelts so i can try to tye some small round jig heads, say in the 1/8 oz. size or smaller? any help would be great. monty
  11. all the tips are great!!!!! i thank you all very much, i have learned alot! monty
  12. i thank you all for your help. i feel like a little kid on christmas, learning to and making my own tackle. :!: :!: what thread would work best for tying these trebles with? i have been using "danville's" 3/0 waxed monocord, is there something beter suited? your guy's are the best monty
  13. i thank you all for your help. i feel like a little kid on christmas, learning to and making my own tackle. :!: :!: what thread would work best for tying these trebles with? i have been using "danville's" 3/0 waxed monocord, is there something beter suited? your guy's are the best monty
  14. i just started tying Marabou trebles "for the first time" for some in-line musky and pike lures i am going to try to make. and my questions is how long do i have to wait till the fly tying head cement is dry enuff to test the movement of the marabuo? any comments or tips to a newbee tyer would gladly be helpful and make me greatly thankful for your help monty
  15. I am looking for molds to pore my own ice jigs such as tear drop jigs, ice ants, and moon body jigs. your help in pointing me to a source would really make my day thanks monty
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