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  1. I understand what you are saying, I truly agree. I get my silicone from Hatfield's, I know that he cuts it himself, and he buys the sheets from inside the USA, whether the sheets come from over seas or not, I am not sure, but that is good enough for me... I would rather give Dennis the business than save a couple of cents elsewhere... His phone # is 616 677 5215 He is in MI, just give him a call and he will send you out a catalog. He doesn't have a lot of different colors, but he has the basics, and it is not overpriced by any means. good luck, Chris
  2. I have all of the wire formers that Hagen's makes, and they are all pretty good, and they are all pretty affordable for those who wholesale tackle out, or have a retail market, as it will pay for itself. But, if you are only making a few baits for yourself, I would go to Sears and get a pair of roundnose pliers. I have never tried the Bogg's bender, so don't know how well that one works... Good Luck! Chris
  3. If you are going to do a lot, I suggest getting a fluid bed. you can either make one, ( which has gone into depth in earlier posts) or you can buy one from Component Systems for $80. I have the one from component systems, I can crank out about 400 spinnerbait heads in an hour, just using that and a propane torch. I heat up the head for a few seconds, and dip, the powder is nice and fluffy all of the time, and it leaves a very consistant coating, as long as you heat the heads up consistantly... I count to myself to keep them at roughly the same temp. If you are only doing a few, you can dip them in a freshly stirred jar of powder, or, you can sprinkle it on... these are not the most consistant ways of doing it, and you wil have some disappointments. Good luck! Chris
  4. I hear ya BS, I did get a chance to snag some BA double S on my quad clacker buzzbaits and my topsecret spinnerbait, well until the blade fell off my spin :oops: . I just gave a quote on some more heads, this is nucking futs, I gotta go... talk to ya's later. Chris
  5. I hate to tell ya that there has been no black in any tackle shop for months now, that was the first color to go... I would look into silicone. Chris.
  6. I see, Joe is getting a mold made that might be what you are looking for, send him a PM, he might be willing to share... Chris
  7. Hey you guys stop plugging me, I can't keep up... :oops: I have a window here to get some stuff done next week, right after Joe, but before Ibaro Ranch and BV Sports and Tradin post and Sunrise Tackle and ........... Shoot me an email or PM, I will send you a quote... Thanks Guys, I appreciate it... I just wonder how wise it was of me to take that full time job on top of all of this stuff, I will never get my own creations done... Chris Wolfe Talk to you later... hey BS, have you caught any on those heads? I made some adjustments too my molds, Joe has some now, I took the dremel to the molds for barb collars, I think it looks good, and it definitely helps to keep skirts.
  8. I like the new Do it heads too, except the 1/2 oz. but how many people actually use the 1/2 oz. 'ers anyway... Barlow's has good prices on Do it Stuff, I get them from a dealer locally that gives me cost just cause I do a lot of painting for him... One thing you will want to do though is get some Mustad 32608 hooks or Eagle Claw L255's for the heads though, and Shorty's has the best prices on those... incase you didn't know that already. Chris
  9. topher

    Poly bags

    Those are pretty good prices, papermart is where I have been going, but these guys are going to get some business from me... Thanks! Chris
  10. Good point Jim, now that I am reviewing the topic of discussion, I like the worth swivels a lot too, I just wish they would make them a little bigger to use for my musky spins. Chris.
  11. I have a supplier for imported BB swivels, they are not as good as Sampo or Worth, never tried Spro, anyways, I have a lot of 1000 size 1's with split rings up on ebay for $150. I have paid that before, plus excise tax, so I figure its a good deal... anywho... Other Suppliers include: Lakeland Battlefield Wire Co. Hagen's Worth I know of a few more, but I am tired : Here is the link to my store incase you would like to shop. http://stores.ebay.com/C-n-R-Tackle-and-Supply_W0QQsspagenameZL2QQtZkm Chris
  12. I gave up on the L R, I hear that L.R. Co. is going to be charging about $14/ pound for the stuff, I heard this from a guy that has about 200# on back order... $14/# is too rich for my blood as far as LR is concerned, I like the stuff, but it is too time consuming for that price... I hope that someone else is going to import it or start making it here, because I think that LR Co. is going to jack it up more and more. Chris
  13. Cool, thanks, I have a tax id, so that is no big deal, also trying to find all of the paperwork for the excise... what a pain in the rear. Thanks, Chris
  14. Thank you, maybe I will be able to get a hold of them. Have you ever gotten anything from them? Do you know what they have for a product line? Thanks a lot! Chris
  15. Does anyone have some contat info for Z Man? I guess this is the place for big manufacturer's to buy silicone. I would like to get in touch with them to see how much I would have to buy, etc... Thanks! Chris
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