When I first started making lures it was just for myself. I did that for about three years, saving myself a lot of money that I would have spent buying lures. The money I saved, I put in my mattress and when I got enough, I started my own business. I did not make a whole lot of money right away. It took me quite a few years to build up my clients. I am retired right now and I run a part time business. If I put a lot of time into it, I suppose I could support my family. I am happy doing it part time. My biggest client is a bait and tackle store in the country of England and I gave him the exclusive on selling my lures in that country. Also, I have a few local bait and tackle stores that I sell my baits in. Plus, I sell a lot to the guys I fish tournament with. All this keeps me busy enough. Since I am retired, my wife and I like to do some of the things that we like to do. The more time you put into it, the more money you can make. I don't like charging taxes, but unfortunately, it is the law. Lets not get into the govt thing, I might be writing all night.
If you can get a few investors interested in your store and products, it will be a lot easier. To answer your question, it can be done if you really want to and enjoy doing it. There are millions of fishermen out there and they have to buy fishing supplies.
Like I said, I only do it part time, but I enjoy making lures, selling them, and listening to fishermen telling their stories about catching those big fish on lures that you made.
Good Luck in whatever your decision is.
B & D Lures