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  1. This is a question for saltybugger. Do you know if the createx auto air colors are UV resistant. I did not find any information on their website. I use createx and don't have any problems shooting them through my iwata airbrush.
  2. Thanks for the post Hoosierdaddy I looked at some gemicidal UV lights on the internet. The actual bulbs seem to cost between $50-60. These light bulbs output are 254 nanometers and have a life of 9000hours. One of the epoxies that I have looked at says it needs between 300-400NM output to cure in 15 minutes. I am wondering if this will work.
  3. Thanks for all the feedback. I am going to look into this more. I am also sending some lures to be finished and see how they come out. Once I get the lures back after this process is done I will let everyone know how it went. I expect to have the lures back by the first couple weeks of january. I have also looked around at UV lamps. They seem to be expensive but there might be some that are affordable. I did see a small hand held version that is shielded, but I need to check into the prices. I beleive that there is also a verion of this epoxy that is curable by a black light, the cure time is about 15 minutes. I am also going to give this a try. Thanks
  4. I am new to making fishing lures and found the information on this site helpful. One question I have is if anyone knows about the UV curable one part epoxy and if anyone has tried this. The research I have done is that the lures can be dipped and cures under a UV light in about 5 seconds. I think they will cure if they are exposed to sunlight too. If anyone has any information or have used this type of product and have any feedback I would appreciate it. Thanks
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