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Everything posted by Husky

  1. About 30 years to be precise Tackleunderground Home - Luremakers Photo Gallery - Sluggo's Tackleunderground Home - Luremakers Photo Gallery - Sluggo's How many 4.5" baits will a qt yield, please?
  2. Husky


    My first soft bait mold in a while.......About 30 years... I've been using this size Sluggo (4.5") with some action heads I make. They complimented each other perfectly and I can't find the size Sluggo locally, so I figured, what the heck. I may make another as I lost some Ring detail due to a too thick POP mix. Thinly Coated the cavities with some D2T
  3. Husky


    My first soft bait mold in a while.......About 30 years... I've been using this size Sluggo (4.5") with some action heads I make. They complimented each other perfectly and I can't find the size Sluggo locally, so I figured, what the heck. I may make another as I lost some Ring detail due to a too thick POP mix. Thinly Coated the cavities with some D2T
  4. Just like with Beyonce, I'll never do it, but I'll keep going back to look at it, countless times out of pure appreciation. Very Nice!
  5. Yes, not only a slug, but also pieces from castings that weren't of good quality. Just break or cut then into "Bite size pieces" and put them in the mold's cavity. JMHO, but I believe you could also do that with any, hyper buoyant, non porous, strong material, i.e. light weight PVC. From the outside, the casting looked like any other 100% resin lure. Here's a spook with a wood dowel core that is nearly the six=ze of the whole lure. It will be a Bluefish lure, so longevity isn't an issue.
  6. I believe water has a SG of 1. If I'm wrong Peter will straighten me out. Featherlite is just resin, with MB's already added. By adding your own MB's you can vary the SG to suit your needs.
  7. J....., That sounds very much like the Dascar RP 40. The similarities are noteworthy! There is a huge price difference from what I saw. $44 without shipping charges on either.
  8. RP 40... I get 3M MB's from shopmaninc.com:twocents:
  9. Google Dascar and Urethane Resin. With a 1.03 SG That should perform as you wish. If need be, you could lighten it up with MB's to slow the sink rate. 3 minute cure time. $69 for a 2 gal (14 lb) kit.
  10. I just did the math. If your lures were 1" x 4" x .5" you would get 288 out of that $40 4' x 8' sheet. That translates to a bit less than 14 cents a plug. Of course, glue is additional. That still sounds very reasonable, no? Considering there is no sealing issues and all your plugs will be identical in basic weight.
  11. Jrav; Distributor List DISTRIBUTORS IN INDIANA (Also see Kentucky) = Stocking Distributor = Authorized Distributor Grimco Inc. in Indianapolis
  12. I guess if someone was entrepreneurial in nature, and there was a demand, one could invest in a sheet or two and make it available, in smaller lots for those who want a smaller amount.
  13. Well, Grasshopper, now that you mention lip material.....My Bride got a cracked windshield so I had to take her ride to the glass place. While I was there, waiting for them to replace the windshield, on the Insurance Company's dime, I asked if they might have some "spare" Lexan. A few minutes later, the nice receptionist gave me a 2' X 2' 1/8th" sheet. Gratis! Like I said, you'd be surprised what people will give you, when you ask nicely! Schmoozing is good for you!
  14. Understood, but Some builders here make lures which require more buoyancy than is afforded by the ratio you suggest. I, for one, find the equal parts of MB's to Resin just fine, for my needs.
  15. Cut a strip of Norton's Sandpaper (11" long) and twice the width of a Paint stirrer, the kind they give you when you buy paint. Spray the back of the Sandpaper with adhesive and affix it (bend it in the middle) to the stirrer. You'll either have the worlds largest emory board or one heck of a useful sanding stick which is quite maneuverable and very effective. The 1/8th" edge has more uses than you can shake a stick at! Make a few with different grits. (The stirrers are slightly concave/convex, so they won't dig into your work. I am always reaching for one.
  16. It's good that you provide the board with options.Although, FREE is always better!
  17. I, unashamedly, scrounge from the local sign shops. My needs are small and I get all I need that way. You'd be surprised what people are willing to give you, if you ask!
  18. Sintra sheets information Enjoy.
  19. One way to lighten up urethane resin lures is to cast super lightened pieces (2-1 MB's to resin) into little ingots. You can also use 16 lb foam for that. When you're ready to cast your lure, fill the cavity with ingots. place your harness and pour a 1-1 MB resin mix to fill the cavity completely. The liquid resin will seamlessly encapsulate the light weight material and you won't be able to tell the difference between the ingot filled casting from one made from 100% poured resin/MB's. You can make a cheap ingot mold by using silicone from Walmart. $2.97 for 10 oz. Just squeeze out some, mix in some water and place some dowel pieces into it. It will set in under and hour and will be a non stick mold. Google Dascar. I've got their 2 gal kit for $69 plus shipping. That translates to 14 lb's of resin. The product is outstanding and I believe the price is also great. Service is very good. Another thing you can do is make your pouring spew go into the lures side. I've made some 3/8" to make pouring the thicker resin/MB mix easier and faster. Once the lure hardens, I snip it with diagonals and finish cleanining it up with a "sanding stick". I make a silicone spline on one side of the mold to prevent leaking while the resin cures.
  20. Just lurking here! Coley was the man who turned me on to "Sign Board" aka Sintra. He was generous enough to send me a piece to play with. It is much tougher than the stuff at the big box stores, as it is meant to be subject to the elements 24/7, for years on end. It is sold in various colors and in various thicknesses. A search of local sign shops may get you some scraps, free. Usually a container or coffee and the offer of a free lure will secure the "purchase.":twocents:
  21. FYI, I went looking to find some fine glitter and found spray Glitter in 6 oz Spray cans. They had Silver and Gold. The glitter is ultra fine. $2.50 a can. It seems to work well.
  22. I too have been staying away from wood. Most of my baits are cast resin, these days. Arthritis and laziness:) have led me to this path. I'd rather concentrate on making one really good model and pouring facsimiles.
  23. Since Wally World pulled the plug on Cheap D2T, Only true loyalists to the product will continue to stick with it. The best Internet price is $13.95 PLUS shipping for 9 oz. HD has a similar product to Etex for $21 for 32 oz. Big plugs suck up a lot of TC, so, again, for many builders D2T has become cost prohibitive.I found that the use of a "J" hook wire in a drill will help immensely in solving any mixing problems that some experience with Etex.
  24. Here's something you might want to try; Bend a loop in 1/16" steel wire, and cut it to the size of a drill bit. Now after carefully measuring the Etex, use the wire in a drill at a low speed to mix it for a minute or 2. No contamination from a wood mixer and the blend will be complete and total, with hardly any air bubble. Let it sit, covered for about 10 - 15 minutes, (Thanks Fat Fingers) then apply. I used this method on a batch that was over 5 years old, and it set very nicely.
  25. What is the longest you have let Etex sit, AFTER MIXING before applying it, with good results?
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