You get what you pay for. NOTHING works as well as RTV silicone.
There are ways to "Extend" it to make it more economical. One is to buy 100% silicone from Walmart. A 10 oz tube only costs $2.50. You an use it to fill in the mold box after you've used the RTV to cover the model. Once the model is covered, all the rest is filler. I will squeeze strips on wax paper and let them cure, After I cover the model with RTV and let it set, I squeeze some Tube silicone on the RTV (not too much or it won't cure, about 1/4 to 3/8 an inch) and then place the cured strips on that. Once that cures, I top off the box with RTV, and I can assure you, the mold will look and perform as though it's 100% RTV, but at a fraction of the price.