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Everything posted by Husky

  1. You might want to use a very thin piece of solid SS leader wire as a support for your hangers, to keep them positioned. Have it run the length of the plug. After you cast the lures, cut the SS flush and give it a swipe or two with a fine file. Now the hangers have a support that will be invisible. You can make up the hangers like the one in the picture in seconds and once they're encased in Foam or UR, they're in for good!
  2. Husky

    homemade tools

    For rounding over a bait, Cut PVC pipe in half and contact cement sand paper inside. Cheap, fast and efficient. I got that from APJ years ago,
  3. Fill ONE side with 16 lb density foam, after mixing thoroughly. That will be enough to fill the mold and then some. Be sure to keep the mold "snugged up" and be sure that it has proper venting to allow for pressure release and excess to escape. If its too tight the silicone will distort and w/o proper venting, the pressure will distort the casting. Placing the mold on a sheet of wax paper will save you clean up time.
  4. Husky


    Microspheres / Foam too.
  5. Dang!!! That was the ultimate "Bait and Switch!":angry:
  6. I'm very glad I started this thread. Usually you only hear folks talk about someone with such high esteem is when that person takes a dirt nap. On the show he did say he bought his lips from a guy in the hosts "neck of the woods." He liberally uses circuit board lips, btw.
  7. Understood. The container was Qt. size, but I couldn't say how full it was. I guess we'll have to wait until Jerry reports back:).
  8. Just tell him that you're a BIG LA Tech FB fan (He played with Terry Bradshaw) and then act surprised to find out he make lures! (On the show he said it was his blocking that made Bradshaw such an accomplished "Scrambler".)
  9. He seems to have the whole process down to an exact science. While it appeared that he haphazardly tossed in about a Qt. I'm guessing the number of lures and sealer were measured. Too bad no one lives 20 minutes down the road from him, so they could visit and ask.
  10. I did see numerous dipping procedures but I don't believe the lip slots were cut yet. The spot that showed the cutting was as aside and only showed how it was done but I don't recall the stage of production, sorry.
  11. After! He placed a carved body into the cutter and pulled down a lever. I couldn't see, but I assume he had a "Positioning Cradle" to hold the lure in place. The cut was perfect!! The Show was "Angler" with Tony Sellers a the host. The network logo on Comcast says INSPR #113.(The show will get canned as of 5/1 on tha network) Here's a link to their site. Christiananglertv.com Maybe you can scrounge a tape if you want to give some sort of donation. http://www.christiananglertv.com/home.html
  12. Use Google translator. Just Copy and paste into it, then paste results into WORD and print. Then you can read it in English, and maybe learn a little German while you're at it!
  13. It was on the "Christian Angler". I just happened to tune in during the middle of the night, and there it was. (I wish I recorded it as I was watching with "Sleepy Eyes" His carving machine is a jig cutter. The master is in the middle and 2 cutters, on on either side cut 2 blanks, as they follow the master. He has a cutting jig made up for lip slots. It works like a mini Chop Saw. He uses lacquer exclusively and his top coat is urethane. To seal, he puts a load of blanks in what best could be described as a clothes dryer like contraption, and then tosses in about a Qt of "Sanding Sealer" and lets them spin until dry. Sold to Worden Yakima Lures What the deal exactly entails, I'm not sure.
  14. Did anyone else see the program about his manufacturing process? Recently he sold the company. He gave full details of every facet of production of his lures. It was enlightening to say the least!
  15. I would say that Urethane Resin with micro balloons for buoyancy would be the way to go. You could also use 16 lb density foam. These would require silicone molds.
  16. Husky

    Foil source

    Cheap kitchen foil is also pretty thin and will save your fillings! Also, candy foil from the Arts/Craft stores is worth looking into. I like rattle can, spray adhesive to afix the foil.
  17. Husky

    mold cutting

    This is just one possible method. The method is for making a 2 part mold.
  18. I don't know if it would be the answer, but it's worth taking a look at. The tissue doesn't give as sharp a rendition and the plain doesn't go transparent, BUT maybe onion skin could do both. Just an idea.
  19. Understood. I tried tracing paper and it doesn't lay as well as Plain Paper and doesn't let the foil show through. On the other hand, Onion Skin may perform better. (Onion Skin was the paper carbon Copies used to be printed on.) Before I buy a ream of it, hopefully someone here has some and will give it a try.
  20. As Riverman said, plain paper works great, BUT you will not be able to get the transparent effect the foil would need to show through. The tissue does not produce as sharp a rendition as plain paper, so it's a trade off if you want the foil effect. That's why I mentioned "Onion Skin" paper(Thanks Terry). It may do both, Print sharply, while being thinner than plain, and become transparent, but without having any to experiment with, I couldn't say for sure. (Tracing paper isn't any good for either, IMHO)
  21. Micarta Circuit Board material has many of the properties of PC but is available in thinner width. It comes with a colored opaque finish but has become popular over the last few years. G - 10 Fiberglass Sheet
  22. Consider that plain paper will give you a sharper image if you don't care about getting the foil shine to come through. There used to be a paper called "Onion Skin" which was used for Carbon Copies. Needles to say it is near impossible to find now a days, but I would love to try some for photo finishing.
  23. Here's something I've been making for over 40 years. I've caught Tarpon, Stripers, Snook, Blues, Cod, Pollock, Grouper and Weakfish on them. It's surgical tubing that I dye. They are virtually indistructable and even Bluefish can't harm them!
  24. I wish you all a wonderful time. May you come away from the meeting saying, "It was too short" and with many new friends. Regetfully, I cannot travel there at this time, but hope to be a participant, next year. Have Fun.
  25. Add more! Seriously, 16 lb will expand 4X in open conditions whereas 2 lb will expand 25-30 times, but will be much less dense. If you want to "Foam" your neighbors Volvo, use 2 lb as it will fill it for less and render the car as useless as the higher density foam.
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