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Everything posted by Husky

  1. The key with that is patience. Air cure silicone takes about 24 hrs but that can be accelerated by putting it in a super humid place.
  2. Just out of curiosity, why do you need to use 1/16" wire. I've been using .045" and I have to say, if any fish causes that to fail, I don't want to get close to that fish! :-)
  3. The silicone needs 24 hours to cure and cannot be thicker than the directions on the tube say because it will not fully cure. The silicone will only hold as much water as it needs to cure, all excess will run off. It will set in under an hour so you can pour very soon.
  4. First, I use 100% Silicone. DAP brand is about $5 a tube, but WM ALL Purpose Silicone is $2.37. You can cast a skim coat and lay a few beads of tube silicone (It will Adhere) after the skim cures, then fill over the cured Tube stuff OR you can lay out a bunch of beads, let them cure then lay them on the cured skim coat, as filler or dice them up and mix it in with some RTV. Be advised, the tube stuff will float in the RTV. In any event, the two are compatible, and using the tube stuff as a filler is a practical alternative to the very expensive RTV. The key is to make certain the skim coat totally encapsulates the model. Instead of foam, you might want to try a Urethane Resin. You'll need micro Balloons to regulate it's buoyancy. Here or Here. [/url]
  5. Drain off as much of the thinner as you can and replace it with this. It can be had at Auto Zone or Walmart's auto section. Search Propionate.
  6. Relax Gerasshopper. Here are some pics of plugs that one of the builders here made. I believe it's results like this that prompted some of the responses you got. Most of the baits are photo finished. http://s31.photobucket.com/albums/c376/big_kahawai/
  7. Most fellows here are now using Urethane resin with micro balloons. Give these guys a call, and tell them what you want to use it for. They'll steer you in the right direction.
  8. Absolutely. You just have to size the images to fit the bodies, which for you, should be a cinch!
  9. He must be a good friend for you to give him such a work of art! It looks way too nice to have mauled by some tooth creature!
  10. Husky

    wooden sammy?

    If I'm converting that right, that's a pretty small bait, coming in @ less than 4". How does it sit in the water?
  11. That and the fact they forgot to lock the door! Anything to report from Bollywood?
  12. Husky

    Small, medium, large

    I love the subtle transitioning! Just a guess, but the pic don't pick up all the "flash" of the foil. Post more pics with Big Esox hanging from them!
  13. He must have been kidnapped. I hope he's alright!
  14. It comes in various hardness. I used 308L .045 from the local welding shop. Forming it is very easy. Ask the store person which one is the "softest." $10 an LB for 36" lengths. I Love the stuff!
  15. To me the reason to prefer CB is the size of the lip slot needed. Both it, and SS are appx. 2-3 Hundredths thick as opposed to the width of Lexan. Lexan look prettier and that may have an effect on you folks who are in business, selling them.
  16. Yes. The key with foiling is to Topcoat the foil with epoxy, then paint on it. When the paint finish is done, topcoat again with an Epoxy. For foil,I use either Silver Duct tape or everyday foil with spray adhesive. Search FatFingers posts for a tutorial.
  17. Husky

    bass swimbait

    LaPala would be proud of you, and that's saying something!!
  18. I'd just make my own version of it, with the Mods you've mentioned. JMHO
  19. You can vote once each 24 hrs on each Browser. I also downloaded OPERA!!
  20. If you Vote for him, once per day, he'll have a chance. If you use different Browsers, you can vote more than once per day. I use Opera, IE and Firefox. Vote early and vote often! As he moves up or down, the page will change. Let's put him on page 1! http://www.wfn.tv/rogers/archives.php?page=3
  21. Those are some wonderful looking baits! If the perform as good as they look, you'll be hanging a 50 incher, soon.
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