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Everything posted by Husky

  1. There is no "Better" or "Best"way. If you're good at aligning your ties and eyes, you'll be totally satisfied. I'm no spring chicken but I have yet to have a screw eye, either twisted wire or threaded, pull out. JMHO the worst part about using screw eyes is getting PERFECT alignment.
  2. Husky


    Fear not, they're worth of viewing twice!
  3. Welcome, Pilgrim! The search link should keep you busy for quite a while. Here is the results for a search of the word "painting."
  4. Husky

    Shiny Shad, 3 inch

    I guess it's alright if PERFECTION is your thing.
  5. Husky

    Deeep Cranks

    Wire line, either Monel or SS!
  6. Sorry for the vagary. Scoring the mold is done by placing a casting with a perfect lip slot back in the mold and using a razor to delineate the lips' boundries on the mold's cavity. The castings should pick up the finest of lines. Pm me if you have any questions. In any event, you'll have a true and consistent point of reference to use when cutting lip slots. Everyone of these candy molds, and the many more that followed, has a Teeny, weeny, tiny imperfection from the master model, the orange one, that my old eyes missed. The buyer gave it a pass, as I had to point it out to him! The point is that you can strategically place a reference point in your mold to use as a cutting marker. A hairline will suffice.
  7. This is how I get the lips right. Just put a "Guide" on the models. As your mold is already made, just make a score line in it.
  8. End Results! Please post your experiences, for the board. TIA, Mike O
  9. These molds are for casting either, various resin, 0r expanding urethane foam.
  10. Husky

    Squid Jigging

    I love fried "Calamari". That thing would feed a small country!
  11. Husky

    Yellow Perch

    I never cared much for the taste of yellow perch, and I'm sure a great many Game Fish will feel the same way about this one. You have a winner there!
  12. Leave well enough alone! You pulled a "Homer" and made a successful glider. I love the finish, but I wonder if the hooks are a tad too small.
  13. Open a Photobucket.com account. Once you post your pics there. just copy and paste the IMG line. Your pics will show!
  14. Not from here, but THIS is what you're talking about. I think Cheesehead made mention of it, way back.
  15. Husky

    Gas mileage

    http://www.snopes.com/autos/techno/acetone.asp Don't shoot the messenger!
  16. Husky


    If those are about 6", I can guarantee they'd kill Stripers on Old Cape Cod. They mimmick sand eels, quite well!
  17. Classical, at the very least!
  18. Husky

    Big Boy Toys

    Now I see where you got your penchant for detail! I'm sure he's proud of you and your labor of love. The guys went through the trouble of making it a F-14 Tom Cat only to have the Navy retire them! It still is one neat flier.
  19. Husky

    Big Boy Toys

    The Bad News is that they now have to convert it to a Super Hornet! I wouldn't know where to begin putting a price tag on that puppy, not to mention the labor costs if one was to pay for it.
  20. Jed, the Pictures, as promised. The small brads on the tie and hanger locations are cast in so the wire harness won't move (The nose one needs to be adjusted away from the bait, like the other two). The locator nails are added right before pouring. They will go through the whole thickness of the balsa. The bottom pic shows the locators in a Bondo Jig Mold.
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