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Everything posted by Husky

  1. Ok, but don't get angry because you didn't think of it on your own. As you probably are using standard size wood, as I do, just find a piece of balsa that is exactly 1/2 the thickness, trace the silhouette onto the balsa and cut it out, making the cut about 1/32 over. Now get some leggos. and make a "box" to fit around the model, with some excess. You can get the box nearly perfect in size if you play with the different sized pieces. It's childs' play. Then get 2 flathead nails and place then into the balsa where they will be cast into the mold but not interferring with pouring gates. Cut the nails so that the head is appx the height of the lure. Place your model into the cavity, use clay to fill the 1/32" gap, place your nails, put a bead of clay around the inside of the leggo box's bottom and position it firmly on the balsa surface. Now you're ready to make your skim coat pour providing you have reliefs for hangers and ties in place. Follow direction above. When side one is done, flip the box over and remove the balsa and clean off the clay from the model. Push side one down so that the uncovered side of the model and the nails are pointed up and that side one is resting on a flat surface. (I use a tray so I can move it all w/o disturbing anything.) Build up the leggos box for side two. Use a Petroleum Jelly as a MR on the silicone and the nails. Repeat what you did with side one. The nails (I know you were waiting for this) will be your locators instead of those keys you were so fond of. The halves will align perfrectly. I will post more as well as pictures, tomorrow, when I sober up! How's that, so far? Husky
  2. Also, the sealant can be laid out in small beads on a smooth surface, and let them cure out the conventional way. It'll take longer to cure, but you'll have a neat 1/4" bead to work with and you can squeeze out the whole tube at one time. They may be a bit harder that way. Husky
  3. Due to the high cost of silicone, I was forced (OK, I'm cheap) to come up with an alternative to using the high priced RTV, exclusively. Here's how you can double or triple or even quadruple your out put with no drop off in quality, for a very small price. Set your model in the mold as usual, but only mix enough of the good stuff to put a skim coat over the entire lure and base. While it is setting, Mix some 100% Silicone Sealant (DAP or WM Clear All Purpose Silicone sealant, $2.37 for 10 0z) and water. It will set in under 1 hour. After it sets, dice it up into tiny pieces. This can be done at any time. Once the RTV Sil has set up on your model, Mix a small batch more of the RTV. BTW,Those mixing cups Fatfingers is so fond of will come in handy for that. Spread a thin coat onto the first coat then, fill the mold, nearly to the top, with the Sealant tid bits, then pour the remainder of the RTV over them until the tidbits are covered. It will self level and encase ALL the little pieces and when it has cured You wouldn't be able to tell the difference between it and a 100% RTV Silicone mold. I hope that helps some of you guys. Feed back welcomed! Husky
  4. How are they marked? I tried all the drug stores around to no avail. TIA
  5. You can make a silicon mold and pour the lip from urethane resin , re enforced with stainless steel wire. Here's a picture.
  6. Let's see a picture of what you're trying to make.
  7. Try here. I see there are 2 in Ontario.
  8. I really ike the different models you're putting together. Using shot is a great way of getting precise size and weight pieces for ballast. I've been a big fan of the Plumbers Epoxy, for years. It makes hole filling a snap. How does that round head run?
  9. Thanks, Gotta love this site. That's it. Years ago, Herters Catalog used to sell a mold that was very much like that bait.
  10. During a bout of insomnia I saw an Informercial about a Soft Minnow lure that is hooked by the nose to impart wounded bait action. According to the builder, it causes fish to attack out of reflex. Does anyone know the name of the bait? If so, does anyone make anything similar to it?
  11. Husky

    10" copper white fish

    I'm breathless!
  12. Husky

    Foiled Bullet Shad

    Stunning collection, as usual. The Stripers would love it, too.
  13. Very beautiful, in an "Old School" way! Post it on SOL, too. It's fun watching them drool.
  14. Husky

    foam question

    How much further expansion have you noticed? How long are you keeping the castings in the mold? I thought I was losing it when some of my castings were 3/16 wider than my model and that was being cast into Rigid Bondo molds. TIA
  15. I believe pictures on Photobucket don't take bandwidth from this site.
  16. Nice lures, and beautiful smallies. FYI, If you copy and paste the IMG line, the picture will show in your post rather than just the link.
  17. Husky

    Super Duty Rotator

    Those Surfsters are really good looking. I know a guy who'd like to Ho one from you. What do they weigh when completed, and what are you targeting with them? The Ringer is a novel approach to lure turning.
  18. I used the line so your pictures will show.
  19. There's got to be a way around that, because that's just plain gouging.
  20. What did you make the mold out of, Gold? I can get 5 lbs of silicone, retail for that price.
  21. Go to your local welders supply house. They sell #308 SS welding rods in 3 foot lengths by the pound. 1/16 size(.0625) for big plugs, the next size under(.045) for smaller.
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