My experience with "plastic melts" is that they don't adhere very well to bare metal. It didn't stick to foil, which is, of course, thin metal, and is easily removed. A little careful surgery with an exacto knife should pop it right off the metal.
For Thin, Light, strong lip material, that is easily formed, Circuit board in the .031 size seems to be the ticket, although it's not clear. .022 SS also works well but is heavier and will effect the balance of a plug.
I take the easy way out and use
Just copy and paste the IMG line. i.e. my drivers license picture. Fast, easy and doesn't draw on this sites bandwidth. Pics for the Gallery may be different.
Regular aluminum foil used in conjunction with a good spray adhesive works quite well. It is flimsier than the tape, but if you work with care, it performs very well. Try a store that sells candy making supplies for colored foils. I got copper foil sheets (5 x5)that I bought at a local craft store.
For those not familiar with working with SS, If you don't have a punch, drill your holes prior to cutting the lip from the sheet. Spinning SS is an invitation to the ER.
I'm a lurker from the hard baits forum, with a history of making SW Softies. We use a rotisserie motors from the garden section of Wal-Marts to turn plugs. The RPM is about 4 per min. I don't know if that helps, but they are inexpensive and readily available.
Rowhunter showed his through wire technique (perhaps on another site though) and LaPala demonstrated about 5 methods of through wiring that you may want to check out. When done properly, all the ties and hangers align beautifully and the strength is unbeatable.
On a late late night fishing show, there was mention about "Tipping" lures, I believe for Walleye fishing. By the time I opened my eyes they just were switching from showing the lure to a fishing scene.
So, what's Tipping, please.
Kudos and Congrats to you fellows. Well deserved recognition for masterful work. Many more here could have made the cut as the craftsmen here are of the highest caliber.
NOW, let's put all the pseudonyms next to the names, please. I got these 3. I'm curious how this will effect board traffic.
Dale Sellers
Dave Talbert = Tally
John Prior = Blades and Baits
Jeff Klein
Tim Hughes
Kelly Barefoot = Kellure?
Bobby Kelly
JM$.02 For the mold. High Shore hardness Silicon.
Lure Body, Alumilite (Floats) or PU with micro balloons which can be adjusted to float, suspend or sink. has the RTV, PU and Micro Ballooons.
Mold Making.
If you don't need a metal mold try these.
A High Temp RTV i.e, Dow Corning 1320. It will last for years.
Next would be Bondo Body filler mixed with Bondo resin to the consistency of Honey.
That way you'll get no water explosions and it wont crumble.
Anything you mix with water needs to be fully dried and tend to break down rather quickly.