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Everything posted by Husky

  1. Read the ingredients Stubby Nubs. If it says "Wax" in it, Fagedabowdit!
  2. Nah, I have my standards. I wouldn't join any club or organization that would have me as a member. Give a holler when you're heading for stripers.
  3. Merrimack, NH. Thanks for the invite, I'll keep it in mind. Are you fishing Boat or shore based? Mike P
  4. .031 seems about right.
  5. It's your's until Momma Bass takes it from ya! There's a high teener, or a twenty in that ones future!
  6. Try looking for a "Composites Material" supplier. Many Boat builders use it. JMHO, but you may be better served using PU resin and Micro Balloons.
  7. Circuit Board is available and comes in uniform thicknesses. Lexan and SS also work well.
  8. Husky

    lure templates

    Here are templates, galore!
  9. Try using Plumbers Epoxy. It comes in a roll and gets mixed by cutting off a piece and rolling it until the color becomes uniform. It can be had at nearly any hardware store. 5 min set time and is very maliable until it sets up.
  10. You're very welcome. I hope the results are everything you hoped for. I Thank Jerry for giving us such a great place to exchange Ideas, from all over the world! Mike P
  11. Husky


    If you want thinner than HD's you might want to look into Circuit board.
  12. Husky

    New guy.

    Welcome, You've come to the right place. Check out LaPala's and RowHunters carvings for starters.
  13. Remember, the silicone caulk must be 100% silicone. I bought 10.5 oz, locally, today for $2.37 US at Walmart. That's $.23 per oz as opposed to $1.05. That equates to 5 molds for the price of 2.
  14. I have learned a lot since then. I still use Bondo for my metal castings. I should do another tutorial. Truth be told, Silicone is the way to go with urethanes and foams. It's so much more forgiving and it needs no Release agent which means a neater and cleaner casting which is much simpler to finish.
  15. Any of you guys can use whatever I posted here, here. The tutorial he was referring to is one for a clam mold that Redg8tr posted.
  16. Any spray paint. I use rattle cans from Walmart. Technically, the foam is sticking to the paint so the adhesion is remarkable. BTW, the method I describe to stretch out the Silicone and make it more affordable may require you to cover your model more than once if you're not totally covering it. You want the "Good Stuff" to encapsulate the lure, totally. The thinnest of coating will suffice. Another thing you can do is make "Filler" pieces, pebble sized from the cheaper silicone and put them in the mold box after you make your initial coat and it cures. Put some good stuff in so the pebbles will have something to grab on to, add the "pebbles", and then use the good stuff to cement it all together. You may only use an ounce where you would have used 4. Once it sets up, it'll be a pure silicone block. Try a test piece to assure compatibility. Usually, the cheaper stuff will stick well to anything so I'd be more concerned with the Molding Silicone if you're going to use the filler method. Good Luck. Mike P
  17. IT must be 100% Silicone. BTW, Silicone is by far the best way to go when casting Urethane, etc. No MR is necessary and you can spray the cavity with paint. Once it dries, cast your model and it will come out of the mold with a base coat! Mike P
  18. Most hardware stores carry it, as well as Walmart. It's a wax used for wood and floors. It used to be a house hold standby. It comes in a can.
  19. I use Johnson's Paste Wax with excellent results on my Bondo Molds, casting Foam. Lay on a couple of coats, inside the cavities and out, wiping the dried wax with a clean cotton cloth and you'll be good to go.
  20. I'm assuming Row is epoxying the halves together so that should add to the integrity of the wire. Also, I read where Silver Solder works on SS, so that may be an option if strength really is an issue. Twisting the wire and getting the neat fit that he does may add even more time, as he has to get it perfect, twice.
  21. Another beauty to add to the wall of envy. What action does that plug have? Is it a Glider/Slider?
  22. They are truly wonderful, as usual.
  23. Spray Caps that turn rattle cans to fine painting tools.
  24. Happy Birth Day, Dean. In my neighborhood, we'd call you kid! Keep young. Mike P
  25. If I did that you'd think I was an envious Crumudgen. very Excellent.
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