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Everything posted by Husky

  1. Husky

    foam question

    Go with the 16 lb.
  2. Mold material will cost about $24, 4 lb size of 16 Lb foam about $20. You should be able to make about a Gizzillion, give or take a dozen, from that investment. One caveat; Those were designed by someone else so selling them is a legal No no. If you want to design your own Egg cluster, then that will be fine for commercial purposes.
  3. Husky

    Ebay Clear Coat

    Here's the stuff Rapala uses for sealing and TC of water based heat set paints.
  4. If you're into big baits, check this spot out.
  5. Quality aviation snips will cut 22G easily but .125" more than 5 times thicker! I had trouble cutting .04 stock.
  6. The SS I use for lips is appx .022, which I find to be at the outer limit of thickness to work with. I had a tutorial here on fabricating SS lips.
  7. Silicone for the mold. Click the link in my other post. 16 Foam is as hard as a rock but floats. Also ask this in the soft bait section as many of the guys there make 2 part RTV molds for their baits.
  8. Yes! Silicone RTV from Smooth-on would be my choice for the mold. They also have casting resin. I'd lay them out with a SS wire going through them so the hole would be cast in. You could use casting resin with Micro balloons or 16lb expandable foam for the egg clusters. shopmaninc.com
  9. And I know you'll give each one of them a shot and report your findings, here.
  10. This appears to be auto compound. Me thinks a bit on a buffing wheel make take care of your needs. Got it From LB 101. Doesn't work on SS, Everybody is troubled by it. You built a beautiful crankbait, but the lexan lip is very dull and scratched. Not a pretty sight indeed. And since we are all perfectionist, we can't stand it. Here is the solution. Simply polish the lip with a little commandant and it will be clear and shiny. The scratches are gone. Be carefull though. Don't polish the crankbait itself. You could damage the paint. Commandant is used on cars to polish away little scratches in the paint.
  11. I found this on Ebay. http://cgi.ebay.com/Propionate-Balsa-Sealer-Plastic-Dip-3oz-Probionate_W0QQitemZ170067220579QQihZ007QQcategoryZ3131QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  12. Husky


    Jed, see my link above. An excerpt; 25mm is appx an inch.
  13. Husky


    Jed, like the man said, hit up you local sign shop and ask for some Sintra or Celtec scrap. If you like it, I'm sure they would order some for you, if you bring them some coffee and a plug! http://www.bellowsproducts.com/sign.html
  14. I've gotten a few requests so here's a copy of what was lost in the crash: The following Tutorial is for those of us who want to create very realist finishes with a minimum of hassle. This is not to say it is the only or best way to achieve that goal, but I found it to be a very viable alternative to decals, and much less costly. Truth be told, I also find it easier to do. In addition, the supplies are more readily available. With very little practice, anyone can get wonderful results. I developed this technique after realizing that it is not practical to print on foil. Doing so, is a tribute to Murphy
  15. The suspense is killing me! Heck, I can't wait any longer. I'm switching back to SPAR Varnish. Atleast with that stuff you don't have to wait for it to turn yellow.
  16. For small runs and personal use' date=' I make them from Bondo. [img']http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v476/Grmstr/Baittail.jpg[/img] Mike P
  17. Check here to see if they have what you are looking for. http://www.geocities.com/crawchuck/molds.html
  18. They have 10's of millions of dollars, high visibility spokespersons and an Agenda. Underestimating what they can do would be a mistake. One ir 2 pieces of legislation could really be a PITA. They should be called to task for non truths, if just to lower their credibility. JMHO
  19. "Is recreational fishing OK if the fish are released after being caught?? Unfortunately, people who practice ?catch and release? fishing cause no less harm to fish than do other anglers. Fish who are caught and then returned to the water suffer such severe physiological stress that they often die of shock, or their injuries may make them easy targets for predators" What horsespit! I know for a fact that there are fish that were tagged. released and recaught numerous times. The above quote is simply not true, infact it's a lie. How about some accountability from these people, or are they just allowed to make things up as they go along? Let's here them complain about how many insects are killed during the development of human housing.
  20. I saw an ad for a line of lures that was incredible. The Rubber stretched bur wouldn't break, split or tear. Is anyone familiar with the product?
  21. Love your stuff, Peter. It appears as thought you have that blistering issue licked.
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