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Everything posted by Husky

  1. I wore out two yellow pages and one keyboard looking for the stuff, locally. I only want as a much as I can get, ;-) What does it cost per pound, now?
  2. Also, Mahawai, Musky Dan, and a few others here have been making beautiful foamies, so read what they have posted. Mike P
  3. That's what you get for having a one track mind! I changed the title to avoid any further confusion. Ozzie....."Bubbles, Bubbles??? I'm the Prince of Darkness.." LOL
  4. I posted this in my regular haunt in the Hard Bait Forum, but I thought maybe some of you here might find this interesting. It's really old school. I thought to post this up as it dawned on me that a great many people here have never saw let alone fished a true "Tin Squid". Back, during the Eisenhower Administration, when I was cutting my teeth by hanging around the Tackle Shops of Coney Island and Sheepshead Bay, Cy from Cys Tackle on W 16th St taught me this: We used to make our own tin squids. They came out of the mold flat. Cy taught me that to have them work properly, they should be bent so that the head and tail are parallel. Tin was quite maliable and allowed for "Field" adjustments. Now that finding tin is like finding hens teeth, I've resorted to using a lead, zinc, antimony alloy for my "Tins." As I only make personal use sized lots, I made this mold from Bondo. It wasn't practical to have them plated (the alloy dulls and tarnishes and doesn't have that bright patena that tin has) so I was force to improvise. First I had to bend the lures when they were still very warm. I then cleaned away the flash and spue. Then what I did was spray the lure with spray adhesive and foil it with aluminum foil, first one side then the other. Once the adhesive thoroughly dried I coated it with Devcon 2 ton. Heres how it turned out. The top one was foiled, the bottom isn't yet. These lures are 4.5" long and weigh about 3.3 oz. FYI what weighs 1 oz. in lead will weigh only 5/8 oz in Tin. The SHINE. The Bend
  5. That very model caught Tuna and Bonito in CR. Similar lures have caught Bluefish, Stripers, Weakfish, Cod LM Bass, Pike and Summer Flounder (Fluke). Maybe they would work on Halibut!:idea:
  6. I thought to post this up as it dawned on me that a great many people here have never saw let alone fished a true "Tin Squid". Back, during the Eisenhower Administration, when I was cutting my teeth by hanging around the Tackle Shops of Coney Island and Sheepshead Bay, Cy from Cys Tackle on W 16th St taught me this: We used to make our own tin squids. They came out of the mold flat. Cy taught me that to have them work properly, they should be bent so that the head and tail are parallel. Tin was quite maliable and allowed for "Field" adjustments. Now that finding tin is like finding hens teeth, I've resorted to using a lead, zinc, antimony alloy for my "Tins." As I only make personal use sized lots, I made this mold from Bondo. It wasn't practical to have them plated (the alloy dulls and tarnishes and doesn't have that bright patena that tin has) so I was force to improvise. First I had to bend the lures when they were still very warm. I then cleaned away the flash and spue. Then what I did was spray the lure with spray adhesive and foil it with aluminum foil, first one side then the other. Once the adhesive thoroughly dried I coated it with Devcon 2 ton. Heres how it turned out. The top one was foiled, the bottom isn't yet. These lures are 4.5" long and weigh about 3.3 oz. FYI what weighs 1 oz. in lead will weigh only 5/8 oz in Tin. The SHINE. The Bend
  7. Husky

    new german ;)

    Welcome. I recognize many of the designs. All are quite nice. Could you please post individual Pictures and describe the lure and its' purpose?
  8. Love the idea of the one piece mold, for all the reasons you've said. It looks as though it would lend itself to through wire by placing a strategically placed, mold release treated rod into the mold. One quick question, can a wire harness be cast in or are you only able to add hardware after casting?
  9. Nice! Dan, is the lip slot cast in or do you cut them in afterwards? It appears to be very sharp and clean.
  10. Does anyone know when that'll be up again? TIA Mike P
  11. Dirk, welcome. Are you the Dirk from LB101. If so, we all will be learning a lot from you. Set up an account on "Photobucket.com" They'll be resized and ready to post. Just copy and paste the line. Tre' Facile. Here's an example;
  12. They'd take it out and shoot it!! Dang, I miss you guys!!!
  13. Use Tally's Plasticoat method from his tutorial. It will seal and prime wood. You can paint right over it.. http://www.tackleunderground.com/board/kb.php?mode=article&k=20
  14. Years ago, we tested Brass sinker eyes in a piece of wood. Eventually, the brass eye broke, but stayed anchored. You'll be fine,
  15. Peter, how long do you wait before you begin the finishing Process? JMHO, a good hot water/ soap wash down, and a 24 hour wait period, in a relatively warm place will eliminate a good portion of any finishing problems. The good new is that I have many finished foamies that are a few years old that are bubble free.
  16. Try sealing it with Tally's Plasticoat. Also, wash the lures with hot soapy water to remove any MR before coating. I've started running mine through the dishwasher in a mesh bag after soaping them. Also, give them a full day to "cure out", if time isn't a factor. JMHO
  17. Welcome, Jim. Click on TU search and follow the ques. Allt of the info you want is here, now. It's a much faster and more comprehensive way to get all your questions answered. There is also the "How- To" section, above, which will keep you busy for a week or more. I'll see you in a week or two, when you come up for air. There will be a test! Mike P
  18. Coley is rights. Just use the search function as it will provide all the info you'll ever need, instantanteously.
  19. Ok, thanks for feeding my inferiority complex! Very nice and innovative work. What weight foam and which mold material did you use? Once more, Kudos.
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