From their site.
The Wander is unique among hard plastic baits. It is in a class by itself called a stickbait. Offhand, I can't think of another hard plastic stickbait out there although several soft plastic stickbaits come to mind - the Zoom Fluke, Bass Assassin and Gary Yamamoto's Senko. The Wander does what these softies do - except the Wander doesn't tear apart and of course, has trebles.
Cast the Wander out, and simply retrieve it slowly on a semi-tight line. True to its name, the Wander will amble and wander back, dallying from side to side instead of a straight line. The first cast I ever made with one, watching it wander back in, a big bass whacked it! Throw in a little rod twitch, jerk it or rip it, and watch the Wander do essentially the same as you'd expect from a Fluke, Bass Assassin or other soft stickbait. Yes you can walk the dog underwater with it if you set up a cadence to do that; or just twitch and jerk it irregularly and let it pause to sink helplessly between jerks. That's usually how to work soft stickbaits - with irregular pops and pauses, which works great with the Wander also.
When you pause the retrieve, just like the venerable Yamamoto Senko, the Wander will sink slowly, rocking, shifting, shimmying its body as it falls perfectly horizontally.
There's one other tactic that's deadliest with the larger Wander 95 model. Keep it skipping and scooting right on the surface in a frantic topwater presentation. The speed and splashiness of the presentation gets fish to react instinctively. This is about the fastest, purest form of reaction bait fishing you can ever hope to try.