Only buy as much foam as you'll use in a 3 week period as that is appx the shelf life of opened foam. After that, it begins to lose its' properties. Please Don't ask how I found that out.
The first top coat is all that I found to be needed. It gives an excellent base. BTW, I use rattle cans so I can't speak to the use of water based paints.
Here's a link to the article.
As for pictures, Google Images and Yahoo Images are readily available. Personally, I prefer taking pic with a digital Camera at the highest resolution. That way, the pics are yours to use anyway you want and the quality is much better. JMHO
For all you fresh water guys hunting big fish, use VMX 3x or 4x trebles. That is the prescription for we Saltwater advocates.
FiR3 TiG3R, "this is my 1st toman, pardon the inexperience!" 1st Toman, I thought you meant 1st Woman..... :grin:
Reply from a lurker. I use Bondo for alot of my jigs as it is easy to use and is inexpensive. I made jig molds from Dow Corning 3120 RTV' date=' and got over 1000 pours of a 1 oz jig head, and the mold was still in good shape. The Rtv will pick up every detail and is flexible enough to allow for some undercutting (Mistakes). You'll need a digital scale to get the mixing just right (Staples has them for about $30) Depending on the size of the casting, you can get quite a few molds from a pound. Here's alink on making a DIY Bondo mold.
Try looking up "Composite Material" suppliers locally, especially ones who supply small boat builders as this type of foam is used as hull filler in many recreational crafts.
Another solution is to geta cheap Digital Scale at Staples, set it so it reads zero with the mixing cup or surface and "weigh in" equal parts. The scale is invaluable for all kinds of mixing where accuracy is important. Try getting a 20-1 ratio, correct, by eye!
It's all good, Benny! I vigorously stir about 100 times while thinking about my ex. Needless to say, the Dremels got nothing on me! Lets see your wears. What mold material?